Silmboyfat, it would be interesting to draw up that list of out of date sources the wt keep using.
What must the younger generation think of such antiquated references?
comment in today's wt, was about dr spock, and his book "that every parent in the world read" apparently (!).
if it wasn't for the wt's obsessions with the guy i would have no idea who he was, neither i suspect would the vast majority of the congregation.
there has been a mass of parenting books written since and yet they keep harking back to this one.. do they have no idea how out of touch this makes them seem?.
Silmboyfat, it would be interesting to draw up that list of out of date sources the wt keep using.
What must the younger generation think of such antiquated references?
comment in today's wt, was about dr spock, and his book "that every parent in the world read" apparently (!).
if it wasn't for the wt's obsessions with the guy i would have no idea who he was, neither i suspect would the vast majority of the congregation.
there has been a mass of parenting books written since and yet they keep harking back to this one.. do they have no idea how out of touch this makes them seem?.
Comment in today's wt, Was about Dr Spock, and his book "that every parent in the world read" apparently (!)
If it wasn't for the wt's obsessions with the guy I would have no idea who he was, neither I suspect would the vast majority of the congregation. There has been a mass of parenting books written since and yet they keep harking back to this one.
Do they have no idea how out of touch this makes them seem?
i remember one congregation's territory maps used to be copied from an ordnance survey map , which is crown copyrighted and requires a licence fee to do so.
naughty jw's..
afaik, jw congregations don't employ professional map-makers, (cartographers) so how do all the uk congregations obtain such copyrighted items for their business?.
Every UK Cong I've been in has used os maps
the wt used to have a long page on the ico website listing all the data they gathered and what they were going to do with it.
their basic contact listings are there but thats all??.
whats going on??
Did no-one see the info that used to be on those pages? It's all gone now
the wt used to have a long page on the ico website listing all the data they gathered and what they were going to do with it.
their basic contact listings are there but thats all??.
whats going on??
The WT used to have a long page on the ICO website listing all the data they gathered and what they were going to do with it. this has now gone! their basic contact listings are there but thats all??
whats going on???
are we at least able to estimate?
and where are the funds from these sales going?
the official line is of course that it's to build halls in africa etcbut i don't believe it .
Are we at least able to estimate? And where are the funds from these sales going? The official line is of course that it's to build halls in Africa etcbut I don't believe it
"(14) arranging for elders to visit or write a letter to addresses of households that have asked that no further visits be made.—see 23:21.".
what is so hard for them to understand that someone is requesting to be a 'do not call'?.
how does that conversation go?.
Tbh most houses only get called on once a year in some territorys. So the yearly do not call is not missing anything
i've just been watching a bbc documentary about waco, when the doctrine of the seven seals is explained by the branch davidians it is frighteningly similar to the interpretation that the wt have.. i also note that they use the term "new light" as well.... i don't think the gb would ever "force" an "armageddon" type situation like koresh did..
I've just been watching a BBC documentary about Waco, when the doctrine of the seven seals is explained by the branch davidians it is frighteningly similar to the interpretation that the wt have.
I also note that they use the term "new light" as well...
I don't think the gb would ever "force" an "Armageddon" type situation like Koresh did.
i notice that several of the congs i've been to seem to have a majority of the male roles performed by older men.
very few young men are wanting to be ms or elders etc.
it also seems like very few young people are being pioneers either.. would you agree with this?
I know of several young jw men who actually resented how little they saw of their elder dad's when they were growing up. And they don't want the same for their kids, strangely enough the younger generation want to take an active part in their children's lives. Then there's the huge workload, of which they will have seen their own dad's struggling with. The late night calls from distressed jw's wanting support, the report writing, letter writing, extra meetings, extra training and that's all before the issue of jc's is considered.
A recent co at an assembly actually said from the platform that the wt has lost a whole generation of ms, pioneers and elders. The young just don't want it and really who can blame them?
i notice that several of the congs i've been to seem to have a majority of the male roles performed by older men.
very few young men are wanting to be ms or elders etc.
it also seems like very few young people are being pioneers either.. would you agree with this?
I notice that several of the congs I've been to seem to have a majority of the male roles performed by older men. Very few young men are wanting to be ms or elders etc. It also seems like very few young people are being pioneers either.
Would you agree with this? Are the younger generation not stepping up?