Well, thank you all for your best wishes concerning my father's health. No doubt you will be pleased to learn that he was not badly hurt, just, perhaps, a little shaken. Anyway, I'm back now.
And perhaps it was a timely interruption, anyway. The thread was becoming a little, shall we say, overheated?
So, I have had a little time to regain perspective. Perhaps you all have, also.
My central contention is, of course, that the rich, by saving the poor in this life, save themselves in the next. Clearly, if one does not believe in the next life, then this is a position that will not persuade. And even if one does believe in the next life, then there is a further necessary qualification. One also has to love the world, and love the people in it. If one does so love, no sacrifice is too great. If one doesn't, no sacrifice makes any kind of sense.
Best wishes, 2RM.