My youngest didn't respond well to my divorce from his mom. He was always wound up and constantly getting into everything. I raised both boys from the ages 5 and 9 . Michael was always getting his butt warmed up and it never seemed to do any good. You could reason with him all day long and he would go out and find something else to cause trouble. He didn't cause as much trouble later on after he became a teenager but he just wouldnt listen. He wasnt a mean kid just got into things. One Saturday when he was 8 his brother had a little honor society ceremony at his school the day before. They had a little lit candle each that they held up and it was something to remember. Michael on Saturday was out by the apartment pool playing with his brother and friends while I was doing laundry that morning. I walk over to the laundry mat and as I walked by the pool, noticed Michael and asked him if he had his dirty clothes in the wash yet. He said no and that he would get after it. I went to our apartment and was relaxing waiting on the clothes when Michael came in with a look of pure fear on his face.
Dad he said, I did something really bad. Not the word a single father wants to hear. Seems he was playing around the pool with this little candle and lit it. When I walked by he dropped it into the trash can afraid I would see it. The apartment trash cans were raised off the ground on a single pole with wooden slats holding a plastic trash can. He caught it on fire and burnt it to ground. They put it out with a super soaker from the pool.
Now I could have beat him but after seeing the look on his face I decided to play into his fear a little. I asked him if he knew what they called that and he said no. I said of course that is arson and they will have the cops down here to find out who did it. He did not leave his room for a week afraid the cops where going to put him in jail. Everytime the door bell rang he would hide in the closet. He asked me what he could do to stay out of jail and I told hm he needed to take it up wth the office. This little guy by himself walked into the office and confessed. He told them he would pickup the dog crap around the apartment for a month and he actually did. I bet he will never forget and it didnt take a belt. My son Michael has just put himself into his 3rd year of college and has paid all of it himself with help from scholarships. He has made the presidents list all 3 years. I have never seen such a change after he got out of high school and he is the best thing I have ever accomplished along with his older brother. Looking back I wish I had done things a bit differently regarding spanking.
Thanks for all the great comments,