Apparently one touched down around Guelph as well(right near Hwy.401)....doesn't sound like anyone was hurt though.
Thats a big 10-4 Life is Grand!!
We had the storm come through last night...Scared the SH*T out of me!!!!! Lost our hydro for 5 hours and it got damn HOT in my place....I also watched 2 HUGE trees come down in front of my place...I was taking cover to the basement with the animals and freaking about where the hell my kids were...( they decided to go to the city to bowl and watch a movie 4 hours earyler..)....Turned out, that they were safe in the movie theater but, were worried about me once they got out and heard that the storm was in our town...They got hold of me ( in the basement) on my cell and I warned them to hold back there till the storm ended....
Really though, we get tornadoe warnings/watches very often here and 9 times out of 10 nothing comes of it except a bad storm...I am just a big chicken having lived through a large tornadoe....I am pretty sure some kind of weather radar company will show up here today in my town to see if indeed a tornadoe did touch down or if was just a bad storm...
heard/watched all the hydro and tree cutter troops early this morning and still hard at it....
What a mess I have to clean up today!! I will be gathering branches/twigs for hours....
Morty of the big chicken class