Joan Rivers is not too bad at all but, Judge Judy is my favorite "B" with an itch though...
Posts by morty
Joan Rivers..
by Brummie in..does anyone else think she is the funniest woman on tv?
she only has to open her mouth and i'm rolling.. whose your favoriter female laugh?.
Our Family is devasted.
by morty ini am going to post some links.
if they donnot work when "clicking" on, could someone please change it for me?
i would like to make it easy for people to read.thank for your help..
Today, my son has a new teacher that will hopefully show some compassion for the children today.I will hope that he has a good day at school today......
Thank-you all again for your support....
Our Family is devasted.
by morty ini am going to post some links.
if they donnot work when "clicking" on, could someone please change it for me?
i would like to make it easy for people to read.thank for your help..
I posted two links and one just worked.Here is another link to a new report made yesterday in the paper.
Our Family is devasted.
by morty ini am going to post some links.
if they donnot work when "clicking" on, could someone please change it for me?
i would like to make it easy for people to read.thank for your help..
Thank you guys so much for your support.You have no idea how much I have depended on this board the last couple of weeks or so....between this and my dieing nana, I am very grateful for the support you have shown me and my family.
All I can do for now is speculate as there are soo many stories right now and again I have to be careful in what I say.There will be no more information till his court date on Dec 8th.Until then, there will be only speculation,unless they give the kids/parents more info on Monday and I doubt even that becasue of the on going investigation.
I can tell you, last Monday he did tell the kids in class that he( the teacher) would not be at school on Tuesday, Wednesday and possable on Thursday due to his sister being very ill with stomach cancer and she was not doing very well because she just gave birth to a baby.( that again is what my son told me on Tuesday)
It was one of the parents( missing girl parents) that reported her missing.( The parents have been seperated and when her dad came to talk to her( missing girls dad) and was not to be found for hours, he reported her missing. Mom had been away out of town and thought she was with her grandmother.There has been alot of speculation of the relationship that the two of them had.( teacher and missing girl) I know it had been called upon in the past year by a few parents.
IMO I believe,again, IMO I believe,that this girl had a crush on him, and she got into trouble and he was trying to help her.I also think that it had gone to far and he paniced when he found out that she had been reported missing.(This last statement that I just made is what I speculate.)Just from trying to put bits and pecies all together.
He( the teacher) was the one to return her unharmed.( not sure from where he returned her or how)
For now, I have been informed that they have crises counselors available for the kids tomorrow morning and we have also been told that the children will not be bothered by media or police unless parents have been notified.( they better well keep their promise) My sons right now, are the ones that I worry about. I fear that they will never trust another teacher again and this bothers me to the point that I am not sleeping.I hope that with some proper guidence and some coaching from my hubby and I that this out come will be a lesson for them.I guess this is one of those life lessons that is even tough for a parent to understand never mind a child.All I can do is be there for them and wipe away the tears and hurt.They have never had to endure a trusting person being yanked from them like this before.Jayme Melnick really cared for my kids and reached to them when no other teachers would give my children the time of day.He had a understanding for kids with learning disabilities and gave his whole heart to these kids. Even though my oldest son has moved on to high school he still attributes his accomplishments and is gratefulness to Jayme.
For his sake, I really do hope that this is all a misunderstanding and he will be found not guilty. The sad part about it is, that he will more then likely never teach at our school again and I fear that he will never be part of our childrens life again...As for the girl that went missing, I am glad that she is home safe and sound.
As this story unfolds more, I will keep you updated ...Even we, have been left in dark about what has really happened this week...I could share with you a million stories of what happened, but it is all speculation and possable a whole lot of rumors....
Thank you again for letting my vent my feelings....
Our Family is devasted.
by morty ini am going to post some links.
if they donnot work when "clicking" on, could someone please change it for me?
i would like to make it easy for people to read.thank for your help..
I am going to post some links. If they donnot work when "clicking" on, could someone please change it for me? I would like to make it easy for people to read.Thank for your help.
Our small community and family have been devasted by his news.Jayme Melnick is my youngest sons teacher and also taught my oldest son in 2002 and 2003.
I cannot get in to alot of details right now, as there is a big investigation but we are in disbelief right now.
This teacher is my youngest sons teacher right now and he is devestated...
We had a 14 year old girl go missing on Tuesday afternoon and when you live in a small town, news travels like wild fire.She was safely brought home on Thursday and on Friday morning we woke to this horrifying news all over the tv, radio and front page of the newspaper.We opted to keep out kids home on Friday because the press,media and police were around like wild fire.
This is the only stuff you read in the news paper or see on the news.I can tell you when it happens right in your home that there is alot of unsettle feelings going on.
My children and myself have not done well this week/weekend.How do you tell a 12 year old that his hero may be in alot of trouble and will more then likely not be back to teach you??
I have to tell you this guy is the cream of the crop teachers. he would bend over backwards to help a child.On a personal note, he brought the best out of my oldest child. He finally made school fun for him. We struggled for many years for him to attend school never mind do well at it. His last 2 years at public school were the best memories he had of school and had turned his whole outlook around of the way he thinks about education. He also made him think he was worthy of himself and could and can accomplish anything he wants to do with his life. In Sept of this year I trusted this teacher so much that i requested that he teach my youngest son and again he had brought the best out of him....
I am so lost for words right now....
Thanks for listening....
Free Sweets sent to your door!!!!!!
by qwerty in.
i just had to post this link............. .
What I would do, to get my hands on some English Cadburys chocolate....*inserts chocolate smiley*
I tryed filling out the free sweets, no dice!!!!!.....
It basically told me, I am not aloud to play their free sweets game....
Morty of the kicking stones class.....
What reasons you gave for not celebrating Thanksgiving when u were a dub?
by hubert in.
i know two reasons, from my bible-study daughter.. indians were killed.. pagan origins.. what were some of the reasons you gave when you were a j-dub, to get out of celebrating thanksgiving with non-j.w.
We always had turkey at this time of year.....
It was the only time of year they were cheap enough in price to buy....
So, there seemed to be alot of gatherings at this time of year because of the cheap turkeys .....
How do you like your steak?
by Nosferatu inbefore leaving the jws, i never knew what medium rare nor rare steak tasted like.
i always had mine well done.
i got sick of steak because it just didn't taste all that good.. after leaving, i had a steak that was medium rare.
I like mine blood...
My hubby has his soooooo rare that a good vet could get the damn thing moooing again...( could not find a cow
X-mas card list....eeek I have a problem....
by morty ini know someone else started a thread about exchanging x-mas cards but i could not find it and here is my problem....... it got started some time ago ( the thread) and when i recieved mailing addresses from pms i did not get a chance to write all the addys down right away.
today, i went and bought my xmas-cards and thought i would start them and i now relise that alot of my pms have been erased from my inbox.if you sent me your address for a card could you please resend it to me.
or if you have not sent me your mailing address but would like to recieve one from me please do so as well.....anyone else that would like to follow on to the list as well, please go ahead..... morty of the christmas is only 8 weeks away class
Country Women....Even if it was just a picture of your street in your home town, it still will be the bomb x-mas card....
Sassy.....yes, I need your addy again....
Boyfriend gone to GTA :(
by Nancy Drake inwhat is with you boys and your video games?
my boyfriend was first in line last night to get his grand theft auto-san andreas that he prepayed for in may and has been talking about for months.. i won't talk to him for like a month.. anyone know the average age when guys are supposed to grow out of this?.
stupid boys.
When I read the title I thought it was about Greater Toronto Area as well....
I guess are Canadain minds think alike
If you cant beat him, join em....
All I know is that I spend alot of $$$$ on these new games that come out...I do know that I also have to purchase the new Halo one for x-mas for my son...