I have become a fan of Russell Brand. I love witty, intellectual humor. I don't mean his movies. I am talking his appearances on Conan O Brien and youtube stand up. He can get a little spazzy, but he is much more intellectual than say Jim Carrey or Robin Williams.
JoinedPosts by FlyingHighNow
Who loves a good laugh? Comedy thread.
by FlyingHighNow inpost some comedy.
we all need to laugh.
i'll start with:.
Don't miss the health care sign up deadline.
by FlyingHighNow insign up deadline is the 31st, in a couple of days.
if you have problems with the website and youve been there before, try cleaning out your cookies and cache, then restart your computer.
that worked for me.
( someone , maybe not you but someone is paying for this.)
Who pays when uninsured people use the emergency room for medical care and the bill is hundreds of dollars? What if they are admitted and need surgery and the bills run into the many thousands of dollars? Isn't it less expensive to use preventive care and to screen regularly, catch things early? Our republican governor fought hard to get expanded medicaid passed in our state, because as a former business man, even he could see how much more cost effective it is to insure people and give them timely medical care.
Who loses when a giant percentage of uninsured American's are sick? We all do. All of us pay taxes. Whether it is city, county, property, taxes on particular products, car tags and so on. We might as well let some of the taxes we pay ensure that all Americans can afford healthcare.
Millions of Americans are upset because millions of us want everyone covered with affordable health insurance and healthcare?
Are we a nation of cold hearted barbarians? What neighbors, friends and family members are expendible, so we can pay a few dollars less in taxes?
I'll gladly give out of every single paycheck I ever make to be sure every American is covered.
Don't miss the health care sign up deadline.
by FlyingHighNow insign up deadline is the 31st, in a couple of days.
if you have problems with the website and youve been there before, try cleaning out your cookies and cache, then restart your computer.
that worked for me.
Great Teacher, agreed. Its a beginning. There is strength in numbers, but only if the numbers are healthy. Only our enemies would want us weak and sickly, or reduced in numbers.
Don't miss the health care sign up deadline.
by FlyingHighNow insign up deadline is the 31st, in a couple of days.
if you have problems with the website and youve been there before, try cleaning out your cookies and cache, then restart your computer.
that worked for me.
Wannabe, explain more.
Don't miss the health care sign up deadline.
by FlyingHighNow insign up deadline is the 31st, in a couple of days.
if you have problems with the website and youve been there before, try cleaning out your cookies and cache, then restart your computer.
that worked for me.
We're watching, the tax credit offsets your premiums. The credit is similar to a child tax credit or earned income credit. The credit doesnt work like you are thinking it does. If you met the income guidelines, you would have had your premiums offset.
Don't miss the health care sign up deadline.
by FlyingHighNow insign up deadline is the 31st, in a couple of days.
if you have problems with the website and youve been there before, try cleaning out your cookies and cache, then restart your computer.
that worked for me.
We are now proud card carrying memebers of ACA.
Good for you.
Don't miss the health care sign up deadline.
by FlyingHighNow insign up deadline is the 31st, in a couple of days.
if you have problems with the website and youve been there before, try cleaning out your cookies and cache, then restart your computer.
that worked for me.
Thank you FlyingHighNow.
You are welcome.
I tried signing up yesturday. I set up an account but it would not let me use my password or username after activating it. I changed password, started again. Several failed tries-it said my account was locked or disabled. I was disgusted.
I went directly to medicaid. Tried to get online application. It failed- said it crashed. I gave up.
May try again another time for medicaid. But I can make no co-pays. What money I have left now goes to food!
Fact Finder, you will now go through your local department of human services. healthcare.gov would have directed you to do the same. Do not give up. Having health insurance can not only save your health and life, it can keep you out of the bankruptcy courts. Be sure to collect all of the documents they want you to have and be persistent .
If you are not working, you will be eligible for food assistance, too, as long as you are under $5,000 in assets, not including your home if you own yours. If you have too many assets, then educate yourself about your local food banks. Food banks often have cleaning supplies, shampoo, toilet paper, razors, etc.
If you are unemployed, your state will have help for you in job hunting. Where I live we have Michigan Works. They help with resume writing, they have workshops to show you how to dress, how to interview and computer access if you don't have it at home. They have a talent bank where you post your resume'. You can look for jobs on the talent bank and employers can look for you.
Some states also offer help with funds for job training and technical school.
Don't miss the health care sign up deadline.
by FlyingHighNow insign up deadline is the 31st, in a couple of days.
if you have problems with the website and youve been there before, try cleaning out your cookies and cache, then restart your computer.
that worked for me.
I am unemployed and cannot afford ANY health care- I can make no payments at all. I have no taxes to pay as I have no income, so tax credits are useless to me.
Obamacare is a joke.
Here's some good news for you and it is not a joke, Fact Finder. New Jersey has expanded medicaid. Since you are unemployed, you can sign up for medicaid. In New Jersey it is probably going to cost you little to nothing. Did you sign on to the healthcare.gov website and go through the signing up process? They had to tell you that New Jersey would cover you with Medicaid. There is no deadline to sign up for expanded medicaid and they cannot hold your assets against you.
Don't miss the health care sign up deadline.
by FlyingHighNow insign up deadline is the 31st, in a couple of days.
if you have problems with the website and youve been there before, try cleaning out your cookies and cache, then restart your computer.
that worked for me.
Doctors fees are so expensive because of student loans and malpractice insurance.
The government should do something about that to lower the fees.
It isn't just the doctors fees. There are hospitals, too. Heatlh care was allowed to become big business. Profit is the goal. You are the commodity. It isn't just the doctors getting filthy, stinkin' rich off this, not that all of the doctors are.
Don't miss the health care sign up deadline.
by FlyingHighNow insign up deadline is the 31st, in a couple of days.
if you have problems with the website and youve been there before, try cleaning out your cookies and cache, then restart your computer.
that worked for me.
Read the book. The entire book. It's a place to begin to understand how health care costs have risen to impossible heights. After that, continue to educate yourself. Everyone should understand what has happened.