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JoinedPosts by FlyingHighNow
An important difference between atheists and true believers
by Hortensia intrue believers, whether christian, muslim or whatever, want to convert you, they want you to believe what they do, and they're willing to go to extremes to make it happen.
atheists don't really care what you believe, and don't go out of their way to convert someone.. an example of what believers in power do to suppress any difference in thought. an example of why believers want to suppress different ideas (because they can't win in a fair fight, that's why).
Aposate crashes the memorial!
by Batman89 ini should have posted this a few weeks ago, anyways this guy tony prime has guts!.
check it!.
Sadly this sort of conduct just makes the "faithful" more determined.
It doesn't show dignity, and helps them confirm their thoughts that "apostates" are "mentally diseased"
There are wiser, more dignified ways to make a stand.
What he said would have made me think. Even when I was fooled, I was still very curious about what "apostates" had to say. It would have made me think, what he had to say. Also, I'd have pondered the guts it took for this man to stand up and do what he did.
Dignified? I suppose he could have said, "Excuse me please, but....." If you hand someone literature, they don't have to read it, but if you say one profound thing, they cannot unhear it.
Me personally? Unless it was for a funeral or possibly for a wedding, I won't set a foot on a KH property again.
Aposate crashes the memorial!
by Batman89 ini should have posted this a few weeks ago, anyways this guy tony prime has guts!.
check it!.
Brother Mike, everyone's choice to stay or leave is very personal. For many of us though, if this guy helps one person think enough to get out of the org, which we consider to be a dangerous cult, then he was successful.
What are your turn offs in a guy or girl?
by Iamallcool inone of them is nose rings/piercings.
I have taught accounting a university for several years and always try to explain to my students that a marriage is a financial and economic bond. If you end up with a spend thrift that person can destroy your future. However, if you marry someone who has the same financial goals you have there is no end to the potential of your success.
I look at whether someone manages his finances, as very important. When my second husband bluffed me with threats of divorce, I hired a lawyer. Why? For many reasons, but one of the biggest was his lack of respect for money, managing it, not realizing the need for savings and more. He could earn money, no problem there, but he blew every penny he made and had little to show for it. I can't live like that.
What are your turn offs in a guy or girl?
by Iamallcool inone of them is nose rings/piercings.
The unwillingness to provide the last three year tax returns and agree to a credit and criminal background check would be a great turn-off.
If I was looking (I hope I never am in that position), but if I was, this would be a baseline requirement of any long-term committment.
Watch enough of Snapped and shows like it and that will show the need for both of the above. I find that if you speak with people long enough, you can figure out red flags without the need for credit or background checks. People reveal a lot if you give them enough rope and time.
What are your turn offs in a guy or girl?
by Iamallcool inone of them is nose rings/piercings.
A long list of turn-offs!
Screw their negativity!
Turn off probably isn't the best way to put it. You aren't interested in every person you meet, as a romantic interest. Why? You have your reasons. All of us are attracted by certain things. We don't have to list what attracts us and doesn't attract us. We just know when we meet someone whether there is any attraction.
I recommend not writing someone off over a nose piercing though. Some of the most stable, established people I know have nostril piercings. If you're just looking for a sexual conquest, though, I suppose that if a nose piercing turns you off, then it matters.
What are your turn offs in a guy or girl?
by Iamallcool inone of them is nose rings/piercings.
When you get to be a certain age, you know what you want and what you don't. You realize life is short. Time and energy are at a premium. Some of us choose not to waste time dating a person we know we won't enjoy. Someone else might take my list and call it a turn on list. I know what I can live with. I stick with that.
In recent years, I have turned down 100 % of men who have asked me out. At this point in life, I have no burning need for a partner. I'm past childbearing years. I don't see marriage as a must have. I would love to have an interesting love in my life, don't get me wrong, but I am not so desperate for it that I will waste my time with men I know could never be that for me. I'll give a man a chance, though, even if he initially doesn't seem attractive to me, to get to know me in a non dating way. I won't write off a guy for petty reasons. I stay single, just as much, because I don't feel I'd be the best partner for someone right now. For the right guy though, I'd give him my time and attention if he wooed me properly.
What are your turn offs in a guy or girl?
by Iamallcool inone of them is nose rings/piercings.
lack of passion for life, depth, complexity in thinking, lack of depth in values and interests
a closed mind
bad hygiene/ messy grooming
pettiness, lack of compassion and empathy
lack of ambition or drive to better himself/ lack of vision or life plans and goals
lack of ability to manage money
lack of chemistry
lack of appreciation and respect for the feminine gender, including buying into stereotypes, making excuses for bad behavior based on religion or evolution-------thinking there is one, set formula for understanding all women. Viewing women as walking, talking genitals and breasts
lack of self respect
lack of commonalities in interests and views, not a turn off, but definitely a reason for disinterest in the person as more than platonic
Aposate crashes the memorial!
by Batman89 ini should have posted this a few weeks ago, anyways this guy tony prime has guts!.
check it!.
Although I'm a big fan of bringing the watch tower down and he has every right to be pissed off with them. I think this sort of behavior just confirms in the dubbies mind that they are an oppressed people and they have the truth. I sort of would discourage this behavior. But anyway it helped the guy get it off his chest so power to him.
When he said rest in peace to the generation that will not pass away, he planted a seed. The thinkers in the audience will ponder, at least a little, what he said. For some, this will placed on the "List of things JW, that make you go hmmm", that every JW has.
An important difference between atheists and true believers
by Hortensia intrue believers, whether christian, muslim or whatever, want to convert you, they want you to believe what they do, and they're willing to go to extremes to make it happen.
atheists don't really care what you believe, and don't go out of their way to convert someone.. an example of what believers in power do to suppress any difference in thought. an example of why believers want to suppress different ideas (because they can't win in a fair fight, that's why).
I'm a theist, I guess that is the technical term. Honestly, I love Tammy, but when it came to her or Shelby's posts, I usually couldn't make it past the first sentences. I've seen the dead horse kicked around here until it is nothing but bone fragments and pulp. Not just by theists, but by both (atheists and theists) and all points in between.