Just dropping in to say hello and a very good morning to you, Sylvia and to Coco.
JoinedPosts by FlyingHighNow
Come On And PLAY!!!
by snowbird inthis here is very educational.. http://www.funtrivia.com/tournament/jwd-trivia-quiz-75350.html.
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
Atheism is a Belief System
by seekchristonly inis atheism a belief system.
after all the atheist believes there is no god .so if that's the case then an atheist if a person of faith.
they have faith in the fact there is no god.
Caedes, if I was ashamed of my belief that there is some kind of god, I wouldn't tell you or anyone else about it. I'm not ashamed. On JWN lately, it actually takes guts to admit that you're not an athiest.
Atheism is a Belief System
by seekchristonly inis atheism a belief system.
after all the atheist believes there is no god .so if that's the case then an atheist if a person of faith.
they have faith in the fact there is no god.
No. Simply, it does not follow. It's an illogical concept to begin with.
Yes, you have decided that you don't believe in God. You have a belief that there is no god(s). It is not something anyone can prove right now, so you have faith that your conclusion is correct. And it goes in your file with whether you believe capital punishment is right or not, or whether you believe kids should be spanked or if there are aliens out there somewhere or Yeti's hiding from us in the woods.
I believe there is/are no god(s). I have no belief in god(s). Niether you nor I can say there are no gods. There is no way to prove there are no gods. So we can say we believe there are no gods. We can say we believe gods or yetis don't exist. We can't prove it either-- right now.
I find this profound quote of John Lennon's to be worth pondering.
"I BELIEVE IN EVERYTHING until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists even if it is in your mind. Who's to say that dreams...aren't as real as the here and now?" ***John Lennon***
Atheism is a Belief System
by seekchristonly inis atheism a belief system.
after all the atheist believes there is no god .so if that's the case then an atheist if a person of faith.
they have faith in the fact there is no god.
Except it isn't a 'feeling on the existence or non-existence of gods'. It's stating that the claims believers make regarding the existence of gods is lacking substantive evidence. NOT a personal belief system.
Not singly, but as a part of the person's personal belief system. Yes.
Hey, I don't believe there are fairies or unicorns. It hasn't been proved either way though, so believing there are not fairies or unicorns is part of my personal belief system or if you prefer, system of beliefs. Every person who can think has a system of beliefs.
Atheism is a Belief System
by seekchristonly inis atheism a belief system.
after all the atheist believes there is no god .so if that's the case then an atheist if a person of faith.
they have faith in the fact there is no god.
Are you saying that unbelief/disbelief is a belief?
If you believe there isn't a god, is this not a belief?
Yes, in a backwards way it is. An atheist believes there is no god. There is no way to prove there is or is not god(s). So whether you are an athiest or diest or theist, your feeling on the existence or non existence of god(s) is your personal belief. The word belief isn't a bad word.
Atheism is a Belief System
by seekchristonly inis atheism a belief system.
after all the atheist believes there is no god .so if that's the case then an atheist if a person of faith.
they have faith in the fact there is no god.
Atheist: An individual that finds insufficient evidence for the thousands of gods purportedly in existence based on the claims of their adherents. NOT a belief system.
You're right, that would only be one belief in an individual atheist's personal belief system.
Atheism is a Belief System
by seekchristonly inis atheism a belief system.
after all the atheist believes there is no god .so if that's the case then an atheist if a person of faith.
they have faith in the fact there is no god.
So basically, a belief system is not religion. It can involve a set of commonly held beliefs in a group or community. It could be a science community or an online community. There are online communities of atheists and they do share common beliefs and tenets.
: a feeling of being sure that someone or something exists or that something is true
Everyone who can think has a system of beliefs.
Atheism is a Belief System
by seekchristonly inis atheism a belief system.
after all the atheist believes there is no god .so if that's the case then an atheist if a person of faith.
they have faith in the fact there is no god.
Main Entry: belief system Part of Speech: n Definition: faith based on a series of beliefs but not formalized into a religion;
also, a fixed coherent set of beliefs prevalent in a community or society
A community could be a group of atheists. There are groups of atheists. There on line communities. We don't have to be theists to have a belief system. A belief system is not synonymous with religion.
"Hello from Phats"
by phats inhay out there.. wife got back from her thursday meeting & now she's setteled down with the dog, a v large g&t (maid be me) & watching terminator 2 on the telly with her ipad on her lap looking up places to go for our holiday (& googling symptoms of to many antibiotics as my 16 year old is getting signs of ibs).
so now is a good time to say hello.. well hello.
my name is phats & i'm an ex jehovah's witness.. there, i've said it.. this must be like it is going to your first aa meeting.. i've already used up some of my posts for a newbe but i'm not in to the whole long story thing.. basically i've been out now for 8 years (mentally out for all but four or five of those years of my life when i made the commitment, got baptized & married.).
Yes FlyingHighNow,
My Wife is the love of my life. We got married young (as you do you know) But she has supported my fade as I support here stay. I respect her so much. She truly loves Jehovah in her way & she truly believes so, I must support her in her faith even if a hate the organization with a passion. We focus on what we can share together & bend & compromise on what we can't. (she's to good to loose you know.)
I'm so glad that she is supportive of you and that you love each so much, it warms my heart.
The Venting Thread
by minimus inthis thread is for you to vent about anything (within guidelines) that you want.. i'll start.. i'm sick of people who complain about how cold the weather is and then you have two 85 degree days and now they can't wait till autumn!.
Aww, Lisa.