Well, thank you, Tiger Suit. What a cute moniker, by the way.
I am giddy. Now I can buy a watermelon, because I won't have to walk it home.
after nearly seven months of bus rides and asking for rides, i have purchased a car.. for all of you who made helpful suggestions & contributions to my car buying thread, especially zed is dead, thank you so much.. my thread asking for advice on car buying:.
suggestions for car buying23.
i bought a 2009, pontiac g 6. my reasons for choosing a g 6: this car gets great miles per gallon.
Well, thank you, Tiger Suit. What a cute moniker, by the way.
I am giddy. Now I can buy a watermelon, because I won't have to walk it home.
after nearly seven months of bus rides and asking for rides, i have purchased a car.. for all of you who made helpful suggestions & contributions to my car buying thread, especially zed is dead, thank you so much.. my thread asking for advice on car buying:.
suggestions for car buying23.
i bought a 2009, pontiac g 6. my reasons for choosing a g 6: this car gets great miles per gallon.
After nearly seven months of bus rides and asking for rides, I have purchased a car.
For all of you who made helpful suggestions & contributions to my car buying thread, especially Zed is Dead, thank you so much.
My thread asking for advice on car buying:
Suggestions for car buying 2 3
I bought a 2009, Pontiac G 6. My reasons for choosing a G 6: this car gets great miles per gallon. On the way home, town driving with long stretches of country road, I got 28.9 to the gallon. The car is attractive inside and out. The interior is black with some dark gray on the seats. It is comfortable, unlike the 2009 Toyota Corolla I drove. There is plenty of room in the backseat for my 6'1" tall grandson and his friend(s) or Andy. It's got lots of features I love including a place to plug in my charger and a mini USP cord. There's a whole lot more.
I'll post more pictures tomorrow.
There is hardly a scratch on it. The tires and breaks are almost new. The paint is green with metal fleck. Anything that looks like a ding or dint is just the reflection in the paint.
I'm struck by how many men are in the crowds, protesting this child's rape. I think there may be more men than women.
Thank you, Blondie. The statistics about reported rapes show a much lower number of rapes than the sensationalistic media leads us to believe.
Compared to other developed and developing countries, incidence rates of rape per 100,000 people are quite low in India. [ 10 ] [ 11 ] The National Crime Records Bureau suggests a rape rate of 2 per 100,000 people. [ 3 ] [ 12 ] This compares to 8.1 rapes per 100,000 people in Western Europe, 14.7 per 100,000 in Latin America, 40.2 per 100,000 in Southern African region and 28.6 in the United States. [ 13 ]
i have always been attracted to very confident and self-assured women.
so sexy.
example - a girl who may not look like a skinny stick model at the beach in a bikini and rocking it.
That's cute, Tim.
i have always been attracted to very confident and self-assured women.
so sexy.
example - a girl who may not look like a skinny stick model at the beach in a bikini and rocking it.
90% of men are not sexually interested in fatties, rather are quite repulsed. Sorry, I make no apologies for disclosing that brutal truth to all the female fatties out there living in denial about that.
Where do you get your statistics? I think it's you who is in denial about that. Remember, it's gay men who set the female fashion standards and size. I recall seeing a talk show back in the 80s or 90s where gay fashion designers were whining because they could not find very tall, thin hipped women with broad shoulders and flat chests to model their designs. Sooo, they were having men model their designs. That is when I woke up to how manipulative the fashion industry and media can be, even with men.
i have always been attracted to very confident and self-assured women.
so sexy.
example - a girl who may not look like a skinny stick model at the beach in a bikini and rocking it.
Hard to beat the fit, but feminine women of the 50s, 60s and 70s.
i have always been attracted to very confident and self-assured women.
so sexy.
example - a girl who may not look like a skinny stick model at the beach in a bikini and rocking it.
Weight training is not the issue. I have done it off and on in life. Isometrics will tone a feminine abdomen very well. Easier than situps and you can do them anywhere, even on your commute.
A lot of female body builders buy boobs (don't ask me how I know, Oh, ok, ask).
Oh you can tell. You can see the implants very well.
i have always been attracted to very confident and self-assured women.
so sexy.
example - a girl who may not look like a skinny stick model at the beach in a bikini and rocking it.
These are women: believe it--or not. I don't think this kind of abs looks good on a man. They sure don't look good on a woman. Not going to post pictures of what this kind of body sculpting can do to the appearance of breasts. I'm pretty sure the appeal of breasts is that they don't look and feel like bricks in their natural state.
i have always been attracted to very confident and self-assured women.
so sexy.
example - a girl who may not look like a skinny stick model at the beach in a bikini and rocking it.
Not talking bulk. Im talking overly masculine definition, which can be accomplished without bulk. It's not feminine.