Once again, the topic is about how theists reconcile their god with the specific events of 26th December 2004.
Cofty, the last page there was mention omnipotence. I am commenting on the concept of omnipotence: a god who can do anything it wants to do. My comment also addresses the idea that if there is a god, he must be omnipotent and choose to stop a tsunami or other natural distaster. God(s) didn't stop the events on the 26th of December 2004.
I have realized that we don't know that god or gods are perfect, omnipotent or omnibenevolent . We don't know if God is omnipotent, all powerful, or a lone god. We don't know if God is all good or if there are good gods and bad gods. We just do not know.
People can be good. People can be evil. Why does any theist, deist or atheist insist that if there is a god, he has to be omnibenevolent and omnipotent?
Being a non Christian theist, I am struck by the concept that it is people who have deemed their gods perfect. How does anyone know if God or gods are perfect?