Take a trip out west and you'll expect the calavry to come riding in or an Indian to shoot a flaming arrow from behind a rock. The first time I went to Ft. Davis, Texas in the Davis Mountains, it felt and looked just like a western movie or TV show. I recommend visiting Fort Davis, TX and Cimarron, NM.
You drive across the desert on Hwy 17 and off in the distance you can see the Davis Mountains:
Be sure to get a room here if you visit, at least for one of the nights. Its just like Miss Kitty's place in Gunsmoke. The rooms anyway. We loved our stay there: http://www.hotellimpia.com/
There is a wonderful observatory out side of town in the mountains.
Time lapse of the night sky from the observatory:
The stars at night, really are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas.
This is the Indian Lodge, outside of town: