No, as far as things like sexual activity goes, there actually never was a better time for kids (more open access to and knowledge of birth control, vaccines for some STDs, etc.). Teens have always had sex throughout history and always will.
You missed the whole point of what I was saying. Better time for kids? I don't agree with you about it being better. There is better education in some places and more availabilit of birth control in some places, but kids are kids. I remember someone arguing recently that you cannot get STDs from oral sex. This person went through sex ed at high school. Evidently said kid wasn't listening or believes other kids over his instructors.
But the point is that we don't provide a world where kids are encouraged to be age appropriate. While it is true that kids have always had sexual curiosity and some did engage in varying levels of experimentation, they weren't always hyper sexualized by the media. Media is modern thing anyway. The numbers of kids doing risky things has risen to new heights, thanks to being encouraged and fanned on by the entertainment and video game industry. Then they have smart phones, digital cameras, webcams, etc. I grew up in the 60s and 70s. I hung out with the wilder bunch of hippies at school. None of the kids I knew were blatant about sex and none of them flashed naked pics of each other. We did have poloroid technology then, but there were never any scandals about XXX photos. Maybe here and there around the earth there were some teenagers involved in that, but it wasn't going on in Atlanta, GA or any of the other places I went.