The Noah ark song was taken from one of Beethoven sonatas...
Yes it was!
Here's the original Kingdum song:
And now Beethoven's Appasionata opus 57. Go 1 minute 27 seconds in:
back when i was a boy, we were using the old green songbook entitled "songs to jehovah's praise".
one of the songs contained the lyrics: "happy is the man who stays awake and keeps his outer garments".
i don't know what the song was called.. i'm pretty sure that the melody to this song was another rip-off from an already existing tune, in this case the maine stein song.
The Noah ark song was taken from one of Beethoven sonatas...
Yes it was!
Here's the original Kingdum song:
And now Beethoven's Appasionata opus 57. Go 1 minute 27 seconds in:
back when i was a boy, we were using the old green songbook entitled "songs to jehovah's praise".
one of the songs contained the lyrics: "happy is the man who stays awake and keeps his outer garments".
i don't know what the song was called.. i'm pretty sure that the melody to this song was another rip-off from an already existing tune, in this case the maine stein song.
Back when I was a boy, we were using the old green songbook entitled "Songs to Jehovah's Praise". One of the songs contained the lyrics: "happy is the man who stays awake and keeps his outer garments". I don't know what the song was called.
I'm pretty sure that the melody to this song was another rip-off from an already existing tune, in this case the Maine stein song. I'm just trying to identify the Kingdum melody for no other reason than it amuses me to do so. I'd never heard the original song before it was parodied on The Two Ronnies Show, at which I jumped up thinking OMG, Kingdom songs on the telly!
Here's the original tune. Anyone got any ideas?
i love muslims - which is why i hate mainstream islam.
history has categorically shown us that people are better off when there's separation of church and state, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and women's equality - all of which mainstream islam is diametrically opposed to.
and criticizing islam doesn't make me an "islamophobe".
There is a tendency for some minor groups to hang an - ist or a - phobe label on someone who is not 100% in agreement with their views. It's all to easy to call someone an - ist or a - phobe if they are not completely convinced that the group is correct. As someone on this forum wisely said, not all minor groups are necessarily noble.
i think for me in the last year the death of david bowie got to me the most.
not only in the way he handled his demise so classy by even making a song about it and a you tube about dying and sharing it with fans, but just his whole persona i always thought was pretty cool.
plus i enjoyed a good many of his songs.
The missing guys here:
Cameron called the referendum. He should have made preparations in case the Leavers won. They did and he didn't.
All the British power bases, the USA president, our Civil Service, most of our MP's, pretty well "The Establishment", wanted to remain.
The people voted to leave.
Now the establishment is reeling around in horror, looking for someone to blame and in total denial, ably assisted by the UK press doing their shock horror routine.
They should have had their bases covered.
And some people are hoping for another referendum???
I don't think so!
the organization really has some talented people in it.
seriously talented.
artists, musicians, animators, and any other creative venue you can think of.
Remember the JW urban myth about the Las Ketchup song? That was supposed to be full of "Satanic" phrases.
And the girls who sang it - weeeeow!
i'm currently going through a bout of depression and my eating disorder has gotten worse.
ever since my parents actually told me that they are going to kick me out when i turn 18 i've felt kind of hopeless about my life.
my parents won't take me to the doctor because the psychiatrists won't have my "best interests" aka jw crap in mind, because really that's the root of all my problems.. i'm wondering if any of you guys have any advice with dealing with depression?
I've had several bouts of depression since age 13 and it's not something that I would wish on my worst enemy. It's absolutely awful. Take no notice of those who've never suffered with it and tell you to snap out of it - if you could snap out of it you would have done.
It will fade in time, but it might take months. I learned coping strategies for when it's really bad. Sitting on the loo actually helps!
Try to replace those grey morbid thoughts with colourful images, say of flowers or of 50's American cars, anything you like will do. Avoid introspection like the plague. Be careful whom you confide in. Exercise as much as you can. Up your vitamin intake, especially vitamin C. Socialise as much as you're able.
You'll get there, I'm sure.
how did such a weighty decision get put directly in the hands on the average citizen?
and with only a simple majority required?
in the usa the biggest thing that people vote on directly is city building projects or infrastructure.
We had a Brexit because the government hadn't appeared to listen to the concerns of the people. Or if they had listened at all, they'd done little to solve the problems. Whether those concerns were valid or not was not the issue. Those concerns were never dealt with, other than a glib PM paying lip service occasionally. People felt that they were being micromanaged by the EU in too many sections of their lives. They also felt that the country's infrastructure was breaking down because of the surge in population. They felt too that their national identity was being eroded, although that wasn't such a big deal to the younger voters. They didn't feel that their concerns were being taken seriously and could see no end in sight. So finally they lost patience and walked.
Maybe they were right to walk. Maybe, if they'd been genuinely listened to and reassured, they might have stayed. Or just maybe the EU has become so intractable and beaurocratic that there really was no other choice. Shame.
it seems britain has voted to leave the eu in a move of total madness!
the markets are already in free fall and the moronic bigots who campaigned for this are celebrating the demise of our country .. i can't see how a 49-51% split can be democratic?
there is still the postal vote to come in, maybe there's hope in that?
Martin Lewis is regarded as a switched on financial expert. This is the link to his site in which he discusses the likely implications of Brexit: