PO's refresher course. Mill Hill, London. About 1961. Note fella on the right with beard. Also look far left to see lady PO almost obscured.
JoinedPosts by snugglebunny
Beards mentioned again in magazine!
by neat blue dog inaaaaaand .
.. it offers absolutely nothing new.. from questions from readers in the december 2016 study edition watchtower:.
"is it proper for a brother todayto have a beard?in some cultures, a neat beardmay be acceptable and may notdetract from the kingdom mes-sage.
Those formula prayers. I want to scream
by stillin inwhen the co is visiting, i think i hear "thank you , jehovah, for this special week of activity" until i want to vomit.. also "jehovah, please remember those sick and afflicted.
we pray that they can make a recovery and be back with us.".
stale, canned, institutionalized garble.
I was on private restrictions for a year. That meant no praying. However, the selection of who was to open and close the meetings with a prayer was completely arbitrary and depended on the whim of either the Ministry school fella or the WT conductor. To save embarrassment, my pal, who knew all about my peccadilloes, would jump in and offer up the prayer on my behalf whenever I was asked. This went on for a year and, I kid you not, no-one ever noticed that when Bro Snuggs was asked to pray, Bro Fraser's voice was the one that came forth.
Even Non-JW's Recall 1975
by snugglebunny inlast night.
pub quiz.
12 teams, somewhere in darkest england.. category: eternal flame.
Who the eff is Exeter City FC? (...and it's Arsenal...)
Well the question on the opposite side of the page was about which Football league manager was the second longest serving the same club and what team did he still manage. I guess he ran one answer into another.
Even Non-JW's Recall 1975
by snugglebunny inlast night.
pub quiz.
12 teams, somewhere in darkest england.. category: eternal flame.
Last night. Pub quiz. 12 teams, somewhere in darkest England.
Category: Eternal flame. Question1. Which religion foretold that 1975 would mark the start of the Battle of Armageddon and that the small number of survivors would go on to enjoy eternal life?
7 teams answered Jehovah's witnesses
2 teams answered Mormons
1 team answered the Aztecs
1 team answered Exeter City FC
1 team left the question blank
Quite what should be made of that is something that I shall ponder over for a while..
My Guitar, My Friend
by Tallon inone of my interests is music and i play an acoustic guitar.. i wrote a poem about my guitar and thought i'd share it with you.
my poem doesn't match up to some of compound complex's work however, i'd really appreciate any feedback you can give.. my guitar my friend.
reaching for my old companion.
Back in the 70's, an old friend of mine attempted to teach me guitar. His name was Jon Isherwood. He took a number of ex's under his wing and introduced us to real debuchery and drunkeness. I really liked him.
He wrote a few songs, this was one of them. As usual, he's a bit drunk here too:
Are the Jehovah's Witnesses really false prophets, perhaps being mentally manipulated by the Watchtower Corporation ? ?
by Finkelstein inthere is a lot of public scrutiny going on these days about the jw religion particularly on the inter - net.
one of the posed questions which gets debated and discussed quite often, are the jws false prophets instigated to preach a tainted commercialized gospel under the direction of the executive leaders of the watchtower corporation ?
these focused men who are responsible for creating the core doctrines of this organization.
This sounds all very feasible. But which individuals have the money?
In Out Guardian hokey pokey
by darkspilver incomparing the online web article to the print article.
using the online version as the starting point...... strike-thru for words removed from online to print.
Second in the Medal Table - Well Done TeamGB
by konceptual99 incan't believe it - gb is currently second in the medal table, with more golds and silvers combined than even china.
given the size of the nation it's an incredible achievement and we have won in some sports where other countries typically dominate.
i can't imagine we will stay in second but i am happy to enjoy the moment.. well done to the whole of team gb!.
we need this boost after our brexit fiasco
Fiasco??? A majority verdict is a fiasco???
Second in the Medal Table - Well Done TeamGB
by konceptual99 incan't believe it - gb is currently second in the medal table, with more golds and silvers combined than even china.
given the size of the nation it's an incredible achievement and we have won in some sports where other countries typically dominate.
i can't imagine we will stay in second but i am happy to enjoy the moment.. well done to the whole of team gb!.
sounds like first loser to me (shameless shots fired). You guys trail the U.S. by a grip. 69 to 38
Well yeah. Pretty good considering we have around one-quarter of the population of you guys. -
Any regrets whilst you were in the Org
by Tallon inthe biggest regret i have is of 'shunning' persons who were disfellowshipped and for 'marking' ones deemed as bad association.. there's no way i can approach these people to ask them for forgiveness as i've emigrated to another country however, by this post i'd like it to be known..
My biggest regret was staying pure with my Claudia Cardinale look-alike girlfriend..