JoinedPosts by snugglebunny
What would be the perfect song to introduce a JW comedy sketch?
by usualusername1 ini have no idea.... .
any ideas will help.... .
Biggins the Bigot?
by LoveUniHateExams inchristopher biggins - the harmless, camp, homosexual, panto star - has been in hot water recently.
in addition to making a tasteless/offensive joke to a jewish contestant in the big brother household, further possibly offensive comments about bisexuality have landed him in hot water.
the offensive jewish joke wasn't broadcast but the comments on bisexuality were.
People are afraid of free speech. Especially when it comes to having an opinion. Then, whatever your opinion may or may not be, it will be classified as hate speech by anyone who doesn't like your opinion.
Do you remember 1975? I remember 1984.
by The Rebel inif i mention "1984" you will probably think of george orwell and his book " 1984".however i think of "1984" as a year in my life when watford football club reached the f.a cup final.
( the f.a cup is the biggest footballing occasion in english sport, and my club " little watford" were in it) but instead of going to watch the game, i was forced by my dad to miss attending the match and prioritize on theocratic w.t study.. so for me the year 1984 was the year i should have woken up to " the truth about the truth" sadly it took another 30 years of generation and doctrinal change before this boy became " awake" and understood his defining moment and realized he was fooled by the w.t.. anyway 1984 was a long time ago, but today in 2016, i realized 1984 had a " modern day 2016 application" that happened last saturday, when i took my boy to watch my " little " watford play "mighty "manchester united" and we won 3.1. now it's wednesday and my boy and i are still on cloud 9, even orlandos school teacher started monday lessons by saying " well done watford ".
yes little watford outplayed and beat the mighty united.
Allow me to cheer you a little. On Sat July 30th. 1966, my PO father cancelled the visiting CO's evening talk and we all watched England win the World Cup instead.The CO went along with it too.
BTW, congrats on Watford's 3 - 1 win over Liverpool.
So How'd you like your Last Resting Place?
by snugglebunny inlike this perhaps?
it is pretty cool after all... .
(i took both of these pics and the difference was, well, obvious!).
I want to be cremated and have my ashes shoved into the firebox of a a GWR locomotive by my eldest son while it's on the move. I'd like all my family and close friends to be on the train. The driver will give 3 whistles when the deed is done. That would be great.
Why is it so hurtful to be shunned? Why object to it?
by stuckinarut2 init seems like many feel hurt or saddened by the practice of shunning by witnesses.. yes, when ones who we were close to, perhaps family or ones we thought were close friends choose to follow the warped directions of the society, it may seem hurtful.. but really, our reaction is up to us.
the fact is, these ones have shown that in reality, their love for us was never real or genuine.
no, those relationships were superficial and lacking in substance.
Humans are social creatures. We need to interact with each other. That's why we go to bars when we could drink at home for half the cost.
If the only people in your life are the folk that are going to one day shun you, then you are at the mercy of whatever is controlling them.
So if you're going to leave the JW's, then you MUST have another social life to fall back on, one that has nothing to do with JW's. Get that organised before the axe falls. Join a club, do voluntary work, go to the gym, anything to get you with people.
That's what I did. I learned to play guitar (hey I can now play 4 chords!), joined a library, went to snooker classes, did some art stuff and generally kept so busy that I wondered how I'd ever had time to be a JW.
Jehovah's Witnesses post 'anti-gay' 'Harness Your Habits' leaflet in North Devon
by OrphanCrow injehovah's witnesses post 'anti-gay' 'harness your habits' leaflet in north devon.
devon and cornwall police have said a leaflet posted through doors in north devon isn't a crime – despite it advising gay people to "control their urges".the leaflet, entitled "how to harness your habits", was distributed in north devon by jehovah's witnesses and contains an article asking "what does the bible say about homosexuality?
"in it, the religious group states that "rejecting homosexuality" is completely different to "rejecting people of a different skin colour" and says their views are the same as people who "view smoking as harmful and even repugnant".it also compares gay people to animals, but says "unlike animals, they can choose not to act on their impulses".the journal was contacted by a reader, who wishes to remain anonymous, who felt "belittled" by the leaflet.
So the "leaflet" is actually the Awake magazine. In my pioneering days I would sometimes post freebie mags through doors to up my placement count. Maybe that's what's happened here, who knows.
Can’t cope with being disfellowshipped…..Need some advice
by xxBettyBoopxx inthis site is great, i have been lurking for a while now.
but i can’t get reinstated and have used some of the advice already given.. i was df’d many months ago and go to all the meetings and do all the preparation for the meetings, but the jc committee keep refusing me.
tomorrow at the clam meeting i am puting yet another letter in and will be called for another dreadful jc meeting.. 1. what can i say to the elders to show that i am truly repentant?.
You should walk in, tell the elders to go fuck themselves, and walk straight out.
And tell them you have no secrets, just like this lady:
Beards mentioned again in magazine!
by neat blue dog inaaaaaand .
.. it offers absolutely nothing new.. from questions from readers in the december 2016 study edition watchtower:.
"is it proper for a brother todayto have a beard?in some cultures, a neat beardmay be acceptable and may notdetract from the kingdom mes-sage.
PO's refresher course. Mill Hill, London. About 1961. Note fella on the right with beard. Also look far left to see lady PO almost obscured.
Those formula prayers. I want to scream
by stillin inwhen the co is visiting, i think i hear "thank you , jehovah, for this special week of activity" until i want to vomit.. also "jehovah, please remember those sick and afflicted.
we pray that they can make a recovery and be back with us.".
stale, canned, institutionalized garble.
I was on private restrictions for a year. That meant no praying. However, the selection of who was to open and close the meetings with a prayer was completely arbitrary and depended on the whim of either the Ministry school fella or the WT conductor. To save embarrassment, my pal, who knew all about my peccadilloes, would jump in and offer up the prayer on my behalf whenever I was asked. This went on for a year and, I kid you not, no-one ever noticed that when Bro Snuggs was asked to pray, Bro Fraser's voice was the one that came forth.
Even Non-JW's Recall 1975
by snugglebunny inlast night.
pub quiz.
12 teams, somewhere in darkest england.. category: eternal flame.
Who the eff is Exeter City FC? (...and it's Arsenal...)
Well the question on the opposite side of the page was about which Football league manager was the second longest serving the same club and what team did he still manage. I guess he ran one answer into another.