It was very good. Although that Heinkel bomber seemed to be a threat for most of the film. Plus the UK rolling stock used in the railway scenes were way too modern.
JoinedPosts by snugglebunny
What Music have you Been Listening to this Last Year ? Post You tubes if you Like !
by flipper in
Meanwhile, Verdi rips your heart out..
What Music have you Been Listening to this Last Year ? Post You tubes if you Like !
by flipper in
Fabulous Joe Cocker, sadly died a couple of years back. The buxom blonde is quite easy on the eye..
On the Subject of Demons, I Have a Story to Tell.
by snugglebunny ini have posted the full story on a fb site.
so my apologies to anyone who's already read it.
some of what i've written is what was told to me by my father.
Hope you still go to matches!
Yes we do! Here you go, boxing day game at Newport County. We went 2 - 0 down then won 3 - 2.
Help/Advice on Birthday Present
by Phizzy ini have a very xjw type problem, i am invited to my cousin's 70th birthday party, and really don't know what to buy him.. i only met him a couple of months ago, as my jw parents never encouraged the non-jw side of the family, so i don't know much about him, except that he is retired and his hobby is sailing his boat.. i don't have contact details for his kids etc to ask them for ideas, so could you come up with something please ?
not too extravagant, i am a poor pensioner !
but, it is his 70th.. thanks in advance for any tips !.
A dictionary. A really big comprehensive dictionary.
How do I delete my posts?
by The Doc 58 init's been 9 years and it would be nice to get them off the internet.
Don't delete a thing. Your posts are a part of you - for better or worse - and we all have to live with the consequences of our actions. Sometimes those consequences are good, sometimes they're not. But erasing stuff as though it never existed isn't cricket IMHO.
Demons and the Witnesses
by corpusdei inok, this one is a little long, but i think it's worth reading.
in putting this together, i came across a fair amount of interesting information about the witnesses and their belief in demons.
there's a lot that i'll be interested to put to the next witness i come acoss (if any of them still quite dare to talk to me after last time.
The demons brought my Dad into the JW's.
On our Tendency to Hang Labels on Others
by snugglebunny inback to my favourite pet hate of "labelling", ie, someone has such and such an opinion so consequently he must therefore be a part of this or that particular group.
what tosh.
(btw, i've decided that it's ok for politicians to be labelled.
Back to my favourite pet hate of "labelling", ie, someone has such and such an opinion so consequently he must therefore be a part of this or that particular group. What tosh. (BTW, I've decided that it's OK for politicians to be labelled. This post is about human beings after all.) For example, people say that they - or someone else - is an atheist. Or an agnostic. Or a Creationist. This is total bollox IMHO. It's just not that black or white.
Maybe - just maybe the person being labelled as an atheist thinks it would be really arrogant to state categorically that there definitely is a god, sight unseen, and as a result he's not going to buy into it on the basis of the evidence so far...Is he a true atheist, or is he simply tending to lean in that direction at present?
And maybe - just maybe the person being labelled as a Creationist thinks it would be really arrogant to state categorically that there definitely is not a god, and as a result he's not going to buy into God being non-existent on the basis of the evidence so far... Is he a true Creationist, or is he simply tending to lean in that direction at present?
And even more maybe - maybe the agnostic isn't so open minded after all and is simply playing safe in the hope that there really is a God but that he doesn't actually have to do anything about it and can therefore plead ignorance if he's ever called to task.. :-)
The point at which you think this may not be the truth
by LevelThePlayingField ini remember one of the nights that i found out the truth wasn't the truth, that is after finding out about the united nations, i remember riding my bicycle from like 1am till 5am in the city night.
it was rather chilly, maybe about 55-60 degrees and i was playing pink floyd's dark side of the moon album in my earbuds.
just riding and riding, not really tiring because of the thought that 7 men in brooklyn had duped me, duped me for like 20 plus years.
At the group study. Learning about Ezekiel's vision about wheels with eyes in the rims. What??? Was I really basing my life on some old guy's nonsense dreams 1000's of years ago? I never went to another meeting after that.
On the Subject of Demons, I Have a Story to Tell.
by snugglebunny ini have posted the full story on a fb site.
so my apologies to anyone who's already read it.
some of what i've written is what was told to me by my father.
The last bit!
So off we went to Fratton Park and we saw Portsmouth beat Nottingham Forest 2 - 0. Then we went out on a friends boat for the day. Then I heard her sing. She'd strum a guitar and sing stuff by Cat Stevens and could even play and sing Don MacLean's American Pie all the way through. At the time I wasn't looking for a heavy involvement and just enjoyed Chris's company. We'd drive around in my old Hillman Minx singing Kris Kristofferson songs as we went. We were companiable together and stayed just good friends for a long time. It was just what I needed. Just what she wanted too. An easy-going pleasant friend,undemanding and non-judgmental. A soul mate. The first girl I'd actually liked as well as fancied.
I wrote to my parents in Derbyshire. Their shunning of me meant that our contact was almost nil. I told them that I had a special friend. My dad wrote back and said that he hoped that she was kind. Later he wrote again and spoiled it all by saying that we must marry immediately so that I could become "clean in Jehovah's eyes" as the first step to me making my way back as a JW. Pfft.... Fat chance poppa.
I eventually saw my parents again. By this time they were really leaning on me so I finally told them that, no, I wasn't coming back and that was for the simple reason that I simply didn't believe a word of their religion, and that futhermore, I never had believed it in my heart either! They were shocked. They'd really thought that I was just being temporarily rebellious. It hadn't occurred to them that I wasn't a JW for the clear reason that I didn't accept it as the truth and had never, ever wanted to belong in the first place. It wasn't the truth! I'd just been imprinted with their beliefs when I was a child. Armageddon never came in 1975. All their prophecies failed.
By now my divorce from Cindy was almost through. By this time she'd also been disfellowshipped. Chris and I moved in together and rented a house in Lee-on-Solent. Her parents treated us well, as did her brothers.
We got married on December 7th, 1973 and honeymooned in Jersey. My parents would only attend the wedding if I guaranteed that no ex-witnesses were present at the ceremony or reception and that it wasn't a church wedding. I regret to say that I agreed to their demands and that my father gave a little pro-witness speech at our reception which just about embarrassed everybody.
I was in regular contact with my children with Cindy, and they adored Chris too. 43 years on and they still do!
We decided to have a family. Chris always reckons that watching Jaws at the cinema is what brought on our eldest, Simon, 3 weeks too soon.
Later we had James. Then Ben. At that point I was offered a job back in WSM which I accepted. We're still in Weston today.
Our boys have grown into fine young men and we are immensely proud of them all. We see them and their ladies on frequent occasions. I have a sensation of having taken a major part in the re-building of my family. In the early 90's, once they were all into education, Chris went to uni. She got her BA at Bristol and later an MA at Bath, and then became a lecturer at WSM college. She retired last year.
Dad died in 1984 aged just 62. My parents were then living in social housing and alweays short of money. Such a come-down for a once professional man! Mum died in 2010, still wondering what was delaying armageddon. We'd got closer, Mum and I, and she was finally able to accept my choice not to be a JW. It grieved me to hear that she wasn't expecting to have got so old.
Brother Tim left the witnesses when he was 17. He'd loved his neighbour a little too well and was thrown out of the JW's. He too said that he always hated the whole thing. We see a great deal of one another at holiday times. He designs model aircraft and makes unusual stringed instruments. Ex-wife Cindy died just a few months ago. I attended the funeral, not just for Mark and Sam's sake, but for mine too. Cindy's JW siblings - who had shunned her for years - were told to stay away from the funeral. They did.
So now I'm 71 and Chris is 64. We have six grandchildren. She's still my best friend. Sometimes, if I prime her with a couple of whiskies, she'll play guitar and sing Cat Stevens stuff to me just like she did when she was 19 years old.
So life really did turn right round for me in my mid 20's. I finished up with a lovely family and a great social circle. And I'm very, very grateful. I'm a very lucky fella!
That's it! Here's a couple of pics from our Jersey honeymoon: