...except of course you don't get electric plugs - powerpoints - in UK bathrooms...
i wanted to post a serious, profound quote in stillin's thread but my mind went blank and i'm pretty crap with serious quotes anyway, so i put a jokey quote from the red dwarf computer holly: .
it's better to have loved and lost than to have listened to an album by olivia newton-john.. when a bemused lister asks why, holly replies "because anything's better than listening to an album by olivia newton-john!".
this got me thinking, what are everyone's favourite comedy quotes?.
...except of course you don't get electric plugs - powerpoints - in UK bathrooms...
it never ceases to amaze me that your personal friends have no clue what it is like to have been one.
i was speaking with a friend the other day about having been a jw.
she said, oh i have a dear friend of 30 years who is one and she is so nice!
I have used my life story entitled "What's it like to be brought up in a cult" to good effect on many forums. Ancestry, Rover and Jaguar forums, all in the "other business" sections, School re-union forums etc etc.
Lots of oohs and ahhs, but the s*it really hit the fan on with several members being suspended or resigning. How was I to know that JW's were so into geneology? hahaha..
having recently read orwells 1984, i was impressed with how he understood that both politicians and people abuse language.
this further confirmed to me how the w.t had deceived me by using words to distort reality.
the book 1984, also contains many other great thoughts of george orwell.. of course there have been many other great thinkers, buddah, darwin, freud, einstein and marx come to mind.
i read on a jw forum that jw's came in for disapproval if they drove either sports cars or 2-door cars.
the reasoning was that a driver couldn't easily take fellow dubbies out preaching in such a vehicle.
was that ever official policy or just local nonsense from a grumpy po?.
I read on a JW forum that JW's came in for disapproval if they drove either sports cars or 2-door cars. The reasoning was that a driver couldn't easily take fellow dubbies out preaching in such a vehicle.
Was that ever official policy or just local nonsense from a grumpy PO?
I drove an MG Midget in my witness days and was never counselled for doing so. Although I only graduated to MGB's and Sunbeam Alpines once I'd left...
so i was just reading a thread and came across a completely new jw 'rule', that of not being allowed to go fishing!..
at least it's new to me as i always enjoyed fishing as did others in my old congregation.
anyone else heard of this or had this imposed on them in they're jw lives?.
I've always enjoyed going fishing. Sea fishing mainly, from either a boat or the shore. Just after my wife and I married, I declared that this Sunday I was going fishing off the local pier. I caught nothing. After an hour or two, my wife turned up, complete with mini-skirt, plus a kiddies hand-line she'd bought off a local stall selling beach balls and the like. I duly wormed up the hook and, to interested looks from my fellow fishermen, she dropped the hook and sinker into the water from off the pier.
You've guessed it - almost immediately she yelled that something was tugging on the line and promptly hauled up a 3 -pound bass, much to the amusement of everyone watching. Great eating it was!
i have heard that there are some or at least one new song that is way out there.
what number is it or a link to it on youtube.
Hilarious! So many of the older songs were lifted straight from classical works. This is the most obvious, just compare these. Beethoven would not have been a happy chappie!
my lawd... filthy britain.. as many as 450,000 children are thought to have been abused in england in the two years up to march 2014, according to a major new report.. some 50,000 cases of sexual abuse were recorded by police and local authorities during this period, but the office of the childrens commissioner (occ) believes this is a major underestimate.. a study by the occ found that around 85 percent of sexually abused young people are not receiving help and treatment.
Approximately one out of 20 men, and approximately one out of 3,300 women are sexual abusers of children.
recent developments make me think they might be.
the problems they are facing are not just lack of funds but also draining authority, and the two could be a heady and explosive mix.
one of the best analyses ever written of the watchtower was a book called "trumpet of prophecy" by sociologist james beckford in the 1970s.
Any injustices that ordinary Witnesses faced were conceived as a result of evil among local low-level representatives. The leaders of the organisation were kept in the highest esteem. They were like the imaginary friend who was always on your side.
I seem to recall hearing that in wartime, the German people, on learning of some of the atrocities and beatings being carried out by storm troopers and the like would often exclaim: "If only the Fuhrer knew!"
this is a question for ex jw's who have joined another christian faith group.
the purpose of my question iis to find out which christian faith group you chose after leaving watchtower and what convinced you to travel this new spiritual path you are on.
i am interested to know because i personally would like to find a genuine faith group where i can feel true christian liberty as i initially thought i had with the witnesses.
Nothing. I was never particularly religious but went along with it from age 9 onward because my parents convinced me that it was the only way to survive armageddon. I haven't attended a religious service since I left in my early 20's. Apart from weddings and funerals!
It's strange - I have all the dub knowledge in my head but it's not in my heart. The one advantage is that I'm a whizz at pub quizzes when the Bible questions come..
you know how you go to the mid-week meeting & it is all about field service, how you can improve, do more etc.
do you remember how they would say things like..... "you get up brothers & you really don't feel like going out today, you look out of the window & the weathers just not good, then you look in the mirror & you say to yourself, i don't feel so good today.
you know your looking for an excuse not to go cause it's tough to get motivated on your 1 day off.
All it ever did for me was give me diarrhea.
There is a mneumonic for spelling that particular word the UK way:
"Diarrhoea is a really runny heap of everything awful."