It will always have it's followers. It took me ages to understand that no matter how devastating and rational the real TATT was, Stockholm Syndrome will always prevail.
the generation that will be no means pass away have passed away.. the 144,000 were sealed up in 1935, oh, no wait, we got that wrong, we still have some.. russel is the faithful and wise servant... oh, no he wasn't it was me, rutherford... no, actually, we got that wrong it's knorr... erm, no we mean the governing body.. shunning is pagan, true christians would never do that (1946)... oh, actually, we should do that too.. the revelation book has been re-written.. the un is the satan's visible organisation.. wtbs signs up for fellowship with the un in 1991.. exposed in the guardian newspaper so ends it's fellowship in 2001.. the greatest man book is now obsolete and replaced with another jesus book.. the mags are reduced in pages.. encouraged to use tablets instead of actual books to save paper (money).
halls being sold off.. congregations sharing halls.. society owned buildings being sold off.. video pertitioning for money only last year to fund a new building.. bethelites reduced.. missionaries sent back home.. young members leaving.. long time members discovering the history and leaving.. how long do you think this religion has left?
i cant see it being here in another 100 years.
It will always have it's followers. It took me ages to understand that no matter how devastating and rational the real TATT was, Stockholm Syndrome will always prevail.
someone suggested the other day that the home bookstudy meeting ended because of 'independent study' groups (in ireland) going 'off the reservation' and left the truth (tm).. has anyone heard of this before?.
does anyone have interesting stories of 'independent study' groups resulting in large scale apostasy?.
they did not publish this for no reason:.
This old assembly video clearly demonstrates the great sociability that used to be present among JW's. And, yes, I was there!
someone suggested the other day that the home bookstudy meeting ended because of 'independent study' groups (in ireland) going 'off the reservation' and left the truth (tm).. has anyone heard of this before?.
does anyone have interesting stories of 'independent study' groups resulting in large scale apostasy?.
they did not publish this for no reason:.
If you observe the changes made over the last couple of decades, it becomes obvious that any association among JW's that isn't controlled by Brooklyn has been discouraged. The group study with it's after-study refreshments and chit-chat has been abolished. The 10 minute break between the public talk and the WT study has gone. The same for assembly meals with their sociable food line queues.
They just don't want anyone socialising outside their control!
millie2105 hours agohere is something i just found out this week.former belief - field service is a publishers inalienable right new belief - field service privilege can be taken away if person styles hair or wears clothing in a way that is deemed metrosexual.i was pretty much dumbfounded.. this was posted on another thread, so i decided to start a new topic about this.
i think this is amazing!
i wish this was in place when i was a kid.
the issue of whether beards are acceptable or not is addressed in the september 2016 watchtower - well sort of.
it is as clear as mud as to whether they are allowed in places like australia, usa and britain.. 17. what are some factors that may affect whether a brother wears a beard?17 what about the propriety of brothers wearing a beard?
the mosaic law required men to wear a beard.
I tried to grow a beard once. It was a real wispy Jesus beard. When I eventually shaved it off my wife didn't even notice!
we will not weigh you down with burdensome lists, as you have the freedom to choose, but here is our list anyway.some snippets:.
the law showed jehovah’s strong feelings against clothing that does not make clear the distinction between male and female—what has been described in our day as unisex fashion.
(read deuteronomy 22:5.
My pants are always tight - but that's more about my pot belly than the way they're tailored...
i'm just curious as to how it all happened.. to explain.
many years back, before ex-jw websites, i called on a local lady in order to design an extension to her already enormous house.
she was a young, voluptuous gal, married to a much older local business man who spared little expense in order to give his young wife whatever her heart desired.. we chatted for ages.
I'm just curious as to how it all happened.
To explain. Many years back, before ex-JW websites, I called on a local lady in order to design an extension to her already enormous house. She was a young, voluptuous gal, married to a much older local business man who spared little expense in order to give his young wife whatever her heart desired.
We chatted for ages. She then told me that she was a member of the local congregation of JW's and that the congregation had been rocked by the news that a member of the Governing Body had been disfellowshipped. I was quite taken aback, knowing nothing of this at the time. But I do remember how shaken up she was. Bearing in mind that she was from a small congregation in England and she was talking of goings-on in New York, I wondered later how she could possibly of known about it.
So my questions are these: How were the congregations actually told about the disfellowshipping of Ray Franz? Was an announcement made at an assembly? And how did the JW's react at the time? How was the damage-limitation machinery brought into play? What was the general atmosphere like at the time?
Any information would be gratefully received!
i was reading in another forum, that a letter to the elders instructed them to speak to anybody who persists in wearing tight pants.
if changes don't happen then the instructions are to disqualify him from being a publisher but it won't be announced to the congregation.
i am am curious to see if this letter will surface.
They've always been obsessed with dress and grooming. Back in the days of the mini-skirt (sigh) our CO's wife demonstrated to the sisters the acceptable type of skirt that could be worn.
If the lady was to kneel down on the floor, and the skirt completely covered her legs and feet, the skirt was deemed to be OK.
for me, i have only purchased just one powerball ticket in my life, that was few years ago and i am thinking about buying some more in the near future.
maybe i should push my luck even more this time.
i am going to buy 10 tickets.
The fairest gambling game that one can play in the UK is roulette. With only 1 zero, there are 37 slots that the ball can fall into. Odds are 35 to 1 on a straight up bet, plus the bet remains on the selected number. Consequently, the house has under a 3% advantage.
When one considers that Bingo and/or the National lottery pays out around half of the money that is bet one wonders at the lunacy of the players....I guess I'm a looney..
yep, im still fading.
i know it's gonna be a long and meticulous process but so far it's going well.
isnt it funny how when you stop reading the material and stop thinking yourself of being unworthy all the time - eventually you get happier and happier each day and see the world around you the way it is?
A brilliant thread on the art of fading here: