Is it true that a group of brothers clubbed together to buy the then president of the Watchtower society a Cadillac? Apparently so.
Back in the early 60's, my father was the PO of a London congregation. He was a frequent visitor to the newly opened bethel in Mill Hill. He was also close to the then Branch "servant", Pryce Hughes, and would enjoy a tipple in a Mill Hill pub with the likes of Ron Drage who was also an occasional visitor to our home.
One time when my dad came home from one of his trips he was grinning from ear to ear because he'd been told that the top boys had put their hands in their pockets to buy Nathan Knorr a Cadillac as a gesture of appreciation for his services. He felt that NHK was a very fine fellow and richly deserved this most excellent gift.
Around this time, NHK had been visiting England to take part in the International assembly taking place at Twickenham. He'd reportedly been mixing with the R & F around the stadium perimeter. My dad was delighted to have said hello to him and having received a hello in return. Others spoke of him smiling benevolently when they managed to catch his eye.
I never met him personally, but I heard many of his talks over the years, including his famous 1958 public talk at Yankee Stadium back in 58. He seemed to have charisma and bon-homie a-plenty. Perhaps he was simply revelling in the delight of owning a brand new Cadillac..