Watchtower bible and Tract Society of Britain? WTF?
Britain only includes England & Wales. Great Britain also includes Scotland. Great Britain is the WHOLE island, otherwise known as the mainland.
Or has Scotland been disfellowshipped?
october 10, 2017 to all congregations re: branch relocation—newsletter.
britain branch relocation project edition 6 autumn 2017.
Watchtower bible and Tract Society of Britain? WTF?
Britain only includes England & Wales. Great Britain also includes Scotland. Great Britain is the WHOLE island, otherwise known as the mainland.
Or has Scotland been disfellowshipped?
since the advent of the trolleys do the majority of jws still go door to door like we used to?.
do they still have meetings for field service on sat mornings and sun afternoons where most head off to the local territory while one or two go to do trolley work or has the importance of door to door work reduced?.
with the reduction of printing wts and awakes what will they offer at the doors?.
My ex-mother in law has this down to an art form. She gets out there at 7am, hands a crumpled leaflet to Mr Rashid at the corner shop who promptly bins them because he's just being polite. Then goes back home, handing another leaflet to any passer by, has her breakfast, goes to the group study, out on the ministry again at 10am and, apparently, that means she's been on the ministry for 3 hours already before she's even knocked on a door.
My almost MIL did the same thing but would also offer her mag-route calls baby clothes and the like for a"small contribution"!
been doing some work on and off for a df'd witness over the last few years.
dennis was df'd in the 80's and they won't have him back.
i don't know what his offence was.
Been doing some work on and off for a DF'd witness over the last few years. Dennis was DF'd in the 80's and they won't have him back. I don't know what his offence was. He tells me he's written to the congregation several times but gets no reply. I suspect he may not be married to the non-JW lady that he lives with, but suffice to say these two are absolutely loaded and live in great style. New car every year, expensive holidays, landscaped garden, all the modern gadgets. She's also disabled so nothing they do is cheap. I think she may have been in a car accident and received a massive payout. They're both retired and in their 70's although she could be in her 80's.
They're not a likeable couple. Extremely self-centered. Probably no friends. He realised I was an ex a couple of years back when he offered me some JW dot whatever printed-off Watchtower articles and gave me his version of a "little witness". I didn't accept, I told him I'd been brought up in the JW's and wasn't interested.
It's all very odd. The last time we'd spoken - before this week - he said he was on the verge of giving up trying to be reinstated and was ready to call it a day.
But now he's given me some more work and it will pay me well. However, he's once again trying to get me to read his printed-off WT articles. I'm still saying no, not interested. I'm sure that I could blow his fragile beliefs wide apart if I got into a full blown discussion with him.
But this is the problem. I think that if I did just that, Dennis and possibly his lady/wife too would need lots of support if he decided to quit the witnesses altogether. And as mean as it might sound, I'm not prepared to offer that support, particularly as he lives close by.
I'm due to start my next job for him in November. I shall muse on this..and welcome any ideas.
.....the truth was not the truth... ?
The book study of Ezekiel's vision of wheels within wheels with eyes in the spokes and all that.
I thought WTF am I doing basing my entire life on this stuff?
So I went to the pub, smoked my first cigar and never went back.
since the advent of the trolleys do the majority of jws still go door to door like we used to?.
do they still have meetings for field service on sat mornings and sun afternoons where most head off to the local territory while one or two go to do trolley work or has the importance of door to door work reduced?.
with the reduction of printing wts and awakes what will they offer at the doors?.
Just to add a little frisson in our lives....
so there i was earlier today, enjoying a spot of lunch in a pleasant little cafe whilst out shopping, when up came a fella i vaguely recognised from the dim and distant past just as i was tucking into my highland soup with bread roll and butter..
"i would never ignore you you know".. "eh?
what" i ventured wondering wtf is this all about.
So if my calculations are correct SnuggleBunny you left about three years before the world was supposed to end. Forty plus years after that fiasco this guy is still there hanging around the Kingdom Hall sucking up the latest lies. You're still here enjoying your soup. Still no sign of Jehovah's magic kingdom. I wonder if it ever crosses his mind how he has wasted his life chasing a ridiculous fantasy.
Spot on. I wrote my life story a while back, here's the appropriate 1975 section:
>>We’re now getting into 1972. At this point, my meeting attendance is down to zero and my PO contacts my dad expressing his concern that I’m falling away from the JW’s. Most JW's are anticipating armageddon's arrival in 1975, but I'm not remotely convinced. Added to which, I’m occasionally sneaking off to a remote pub out in the countryside to enjoy a quiet pint and a cigar. I liked smoking cigars!
I’m also having real issues with JW beliefs centering around a loving god killing off millions of people and the injustice of disfellowshipping (excommunication). I imagine myself trying to explain both of these witness tenets to someone who is rational and all I can see is incredulity that anyone could accept such cruelty. My dad offers to give me a private Bible study to address these issues. I don’t take up the offer.
Witnesses are now contacting me to urge me to hang in there Snuggy, only 3 years to 1975. He that endures to the end..etc etc.<<
punkofnice is right. Let's talk about the soup.
What kind of soup was this?
It was "Highland soup". Tasty, brown, full of pulses and beans, no meat though.
Must be a dubbie. Popped in for a quick snipe and then got terrified he was cavorting with the demons and now wants OUT!
so there i was earlier today, enjoying a spot of lunch in a pleasant little cafe whilst out shopping, when up came a fella i vaguely recognised from the dim and distant past just as i was tucking into my highland soup with bread roll and butter..
"i would never ignore you you know".. "eh?
what" i ventured wondering wtf is this all about.
I'm not trying to belittle your experience here, but I kind of wonder what people on this board be saying if he walked straight past you and said nothing. Perhaps damned if they do and damned if they don't would come to mind.
He didn't have to walk past me. He'd been sat at a table close to the exit and after he'd spoken to me returned to join his wife who was still seated there. His manner was somewhat didactic. I got the impression that he was looking for a response appropriate to a repentant wrongdoer. Having been happily married for 40 years + and having brought up several fine kids I doubt if I'd take kindly to someone finding fault with my life now.
so there i was earlier today, enjoying a spot of lunch in a pleasant little cafe whilst out shopping, when up came a fella i vaguely recognised from the dim and distant past just as i was tucking into my highland soup with bread roll and butter..
"i would never ignore you you know".. "eh?
what" i ventured wondering wtf is this all about.
Is that the first time a Dub has spoken to you in that almost 50 year stretch?
I live in the territory of my fathers old congregation and have done so for over 30 years. When I moved back here a number of elders came around to turn me back to Jehovah, unsuccessfully I might add. This fella was one of them.