In the 33 years I had being a JW convert and the six or so congregations I was involved in I could count on one hand the amount of people who came to a meeting through invitations that were regularly distributed in the community.
My father converted around a dozen or so people to the JW religion. None of them came from door to door work, something in which he partook with enthusiasm. 6 of his converts were workmates - all of them air traffic controllers at London's Heathrow. (if you've seen Pushing Tin you'll appreciate what a weird bunch they are) He had an extraordinary personality and could argue and reason anything so as it could be made to appear logical. Extremism masquerading as reasoned logic. At one time he decided to contact the disbelieving husbands of a number of sisters in his congregation and succeeded in bringing 4 or 5 husbands round to his beliefs. The others were fellows whom he'd meet in pubs and he'd witness to them over pints of Gold Label with a Southern Comfort chaser. He kept a tiny diary in which he'd record his hours, and every repeat discussion was logged as a return visit.