I doubt that there's much belief-wise that would make a JW question their allegiance. When people become JW's they buy into an entire life-style. It was only when the entire life-style failed to suit me that I started to question the beliefs.
JoinedPosts by snugglebunny
Is There Any Thing That Would Make A JW SERIOUSLY Question Their Religion?
by minimus ini realize that jehovah’s witnesses have been dumbed down for long time now.
still, i think there must be something that would make them really question their beliefs, even their life.. i think that if witnesses were told they could take blood or that disfellowshipping was unloving, they might stop and take a hard look at everything they have sacrificed their lives for.. i know the organization has muddled these subjects before but the i think even die hard witnesses might start to second guess the governing body..
Why Jehovah witnesses don't say, "Bless you" ?
by Issa inbless you, that was a big sneeze you let out sister.. sister- ah, what does "bless you" mean?.
oh, it's pagan.
because people bless the soul of the person so they don't escape from their physical bodies.. sister- right, it is difficult to change the little things, but we can please jehovah by staying away from those things.. .... this is a scenario that happened when i accidentally (naturally) said "bless you" to the jw sister.
Yet no-one ever says "Bless you" after a fart.
Why is there such a 'high turnover' within the Jehovahs Witnesses?
by UnshackleTheChains ini happened to come across a time article in 2008. it was basically talking about the high turnover in american faiths.
it mentioned the jdubs and highlighted the following point.. an even more extreme example of what might be called "masked churn" is the relatively tiny jehovah's witnesses, with a turnover rate of about two-thirds.
that means that two-thirds of the people who told pew they were raised jehovah's witnesses no longer are — yet the group attracts roughly the same number of converts.
In the 33 years I had being a JW convert and the six or so congregations I was involved in I could count on one hand the amount of people who came to a meeting through invitations that were regularly distributed in the community.
My father converted around a dozen or so people to the JW religion. None of them came from door to door work, something in which he partook with enthusiasm. 6 of his converts were workmates - all of them air traffic controllers at London's Heathrow. (if you've seen Pushing Tin you'll appreciate what a weird bunch they are) He had an extraordinary personality and could argue and reason anything so as it could be made to appear logical. Extremism masquerading as reasoned logic. At one time he decided to contact the disbelieving husbands of a number of sisters in his congregation and succeeded in bringing 4 or 5 husbands round to his beliefs. The others were fellows whom he'd meet in pubs and he'd witness to them over pints of Gold Label with a Southern Comfort chaser. He kept a tiny diary in which he'd record his hours, and every repeat discussion was logged as a return visit.
Help with a punchline please
by usualusername1 ini have a joke in my comedy routine about never wrapping a gift in my life.
it goes like this..... yesterday my girlfriend said "honey, when you go out shopping can you buy me sellotape?".
What do you call a judge with no thumbs?
Justice Fingers..
Things I Cant Stand Since Leaving Watchtower
by pale.emperor inwhat a breath a fresh air to be free of watchtower.
now i can finally rant about the things i put up with that i'd never put up with now.. in no particular order:.
little kids in suits.
Things I Cant Stand Since Leaving Watchtower
by pale.emperor inwhat a breath a fresh air to be free of watchtower.
now i can finally rant about the things i put up with that i'd never put up with now.. in no particular order:.
little kids in suits.
As a kid being forced to wear an assembly badge. Then being stood at a bus stop waiting for the bus to Twickenham assembly as my school pals walked by gawping at my badge. Then being asked by another batchelor bro if I was ashamed to wear the badge.
is armageddon starting ?
by stan livedeath inthe sky is so dark here in the south of the uk.
could be armageddon starting.. or then it could be dust particles in the atmosphere..
Any sign of any vultures?
Shunning revered?
by new boy inin 1974 the society had changed there stance on shunning dis-fellowshipping people.
they said you could have limited association with those who were dis-fellowshipped.. what year did they change it back to the old way of shunning people?
*1974 Flip*.......Those giving up the wrong practice may still manifest some appreciation for Christian truth, perhaps even defending the true Christian congregation when someone speaks evil against it. Should not such circumstances be given due weight and have an effect on our attitude as a congregation toward such ones?
*1981 Flop*......Their refusal to fellowship with an expelled person on any spiritual or social level reflects loyalty to God's standards and obedience to his command ..
Shunning revered?
by new boy inin 1974 the society had changed there stance on shunning dis-fellowshipping people.
they said you could have limited association with those who were dis-fellowshipped.. what year did they change it back to the old way of shunning people?
So when exactly did they do the flip flop?
- It was 1981 that the WT reversed the 1974 softening. I no longer have that WT saved, however, this is the original softening article from 1974:
- "Congregational elders, as well as individual members of a congregation, therefore, ought to guard against developing an attitude approaching that which some Jewish rabbinical writers fomented toward Gentiles in viewing them as virtual enemies. It is right to hate the wrong committed by the disfellowshiped one, but it is not right to hate the person nor is it right to treat such ones in an inhumane way. We may note, too, that at 1 Corinthians 5:11 the apostle warns against mixing in company with one who "is" a fornicator or practicer of some other kind of serious wrongdoing. What, however, of the one who has been disfellowshiped for being that kind of person but who thereafter, either at an early point or at a later point in time, gives consistent evidence of discontinuing such wrong practice, stopping it? Can it be said that he or she still "is" a fornicator or whatever type of wrongdoer such a one was that caused him or her to be as "leaven" toward the congregation? For example, a young person disfellowshiped for fornication may thereafter marry, raise a family and live a respectable life. Or one who was disfellowshiped for drunkenness may abandon such practice and, if drinking at all, may do so in moderation only. By such changes these individuals may now regain the respect of the community. Such ones may not yet have come and formally sought reinstatement by the congregation. Is there, however, not an evident difference between these and others who continue right on in the wrongdoing that brought their disfellowshiping? Those giving up the wrong practice may still manifest some appreciation for Christian truth, perhaps even defending the true Christian congregation when someone speaks evil against it. Should not such circumstances be given due weight and have an effect on our attitude as a congregation toward such ones? Surely if the prodigal son of the parable had returned home in a drunken state, perhaps dragging along one of his harlot companions, the father's reaction would not have been the same. But the father had reason to believe that the son was approaching with a right motive and, rather than suspect the worst, the father hoped the best and went out to meet his errant son." Watchtower 1974 Aug 1 pp.467-469
Shunning revered?
by new boy inin 1974 the society had changed there stance on shunning dis-fellowshipping people.
they said you could have limited association with those who were dis-fellowshipped.. what year did they change it back to the old way of shunning people?
It was around 74. My parents immediately made contact with me as a result. When the society flip-flopped they didn't go along with the reversal.