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JoinedPosts by snugglebunny
Tony "Tightpants" Morris Talks Of Tight Pants AGAIN!!
by pale.emperor inagain with the pants... tony, if you can't stop looking at young men in tight pants don't take it out on the rest of us.
Loyalty.....the new buzzword promoted by the watchtower Bible and tract society
by UnshackleTheChains inloyalty appears to be the buzzword constantly promoted by the gb at the moment.
we hear it at conventions, assemblies, and meetings.. let's face it loyalty covers so much.
shunning of family, friends etc.
They certainly believe that the boys at HO - the GB - are indeed the faithful & discreet slave and that Jesus is Head over them: look at this WT from July 2013:
“BROTHERS, I cannot begin to count the times you have put into my hands articles that contained just what I needed when I needed it most.” That is how one sister expressed her appreciation in a letter to the brothers who work at our world headquarters. Can you identify with her? Many of us can. Should that surprise us? Not really.
The timely spiritual food we receive is proof that Jesus, the Head of the congregation, is keeping his promise to feed us. Through whom is he doing so? When giving the sign of his presence, Jesus said that he would use “the faithful and discreet slave” to give “food at the proper time” to his domestics. * (Read Matthew 24:45-47.) That faithful slave is the channel through which Jesus is feeding his true followers in this time of the end. It is vital that we recognize the faithful slave. Our spiritual health and our relationship with God depend on this channel.—Matt. 4:4;
Tony "Tightpants" Morris Talks Of Tight Pants AGAIN!!
by pale.emperor inagain with the pants... tony, if you can't stop looking at young men in tight pants don't take it out on the rest of us.
The fashions and fads of the young are always denigrated by the older generation. The WT in particular has been jumping on this particular bandwagon since the 60's. Back then it was all about how tight or short ladies skirts should be and whether dancing the twist would turn a fella into a drooling sex maniac.
Tony "Tightpants" Morris Talks Of Tight Pants AGAIN!!
by pale.emperor inagain with the pants... tony, if you can't stop looking at young men in tight pants don't take it out on the rest of us.
Older guys (like me!) do perceive the current fad for extra tight men's clothes as effeminate and part of the blurring of gender that is so much in vogue today. However, it's nobody's business except that of the wearer, and as for disrespecting Jehovah, well, Tony's talking out of his bottom.
Lloyd Evans Interviewing Mike Rinder
by HiddlesWife inlloyd evans (a.k.a.
"john cedar") just interviewed mike rinder (ex-scientologist) on his youtube channel very recently.
here's the link below.
That's Pablo Escobar again!
Northenden Assembley Hall Of JWs (Manchester, UK) - A Little History
by pale.emperor inthis is the circuit assembly hall i attended since childhood.
if you're a jw and you grew up in liverpool, lancashire or manchester then this is the hall you attended.
when i was little i remember the decor inside being red and cream coloured.
Does the organ come up through the floor?
You might surprised how many JWs are homosexuals
by Roger Kirkpatrick incontrary to common belief, neither the bible nor the watchtower condemns homosexuality; however, they do condemn the practice of fornication.
homosexuality is same sex attraction whether such attraction is acted upon or not.
leviticus 20:13 describes a man having sexual relations with a man, or the act of fornication.
For a group that constitutes a mere 2% of the population, they sure do get a lot of media attention.
You might surprised how many JWs are homosexuals
by Roger Kirkpatrick incontrary to common belief, neither the bible nor the watchtower condemns homosexuality; however, they do condemn the practice of fornication.
homosexuality is same sex attraction whether such attraction is acted upon or not.
leviticus 20:13 describes a man having sexual relations with a man, or the act of fornication.
- In 2016, just over 1 million (2.0%) of the UK population aged 16 and over identified themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB).
- https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/sexuality/bulletins/sexualidentityuk/2016
Do You Know Any “Gay” Jehovah’s Witnesses?
by minimus inof course the religion condemns homosexuality but did you know any gay witnesses?
i knew some bethelites that were very effeminate and i remember 4 women who were suspected of being lesbians by many in the congregation.
they eventually moved away and were very vocal against males, especially elders..
Interesting Roger Kirkpatrick. BTW, I recall a football league referee of that name back in to 70's.
If you mean that not performing homosexual acts while still a homosexual at heart is OK biblically, then of course that should the case and must be what was intended in Leviticus.
As a non-religious person I find the endless debating on the matter in the CoE somewhat ludicrous.
Do You Know Any “Gay” Jehovah’s Witnesses?
by minimus inof course the religion condemns homosexuality but did you know any gay witnesses?
i knew some bethelites that were very effeminate and i remember 4 women who were suspected of being lesbians by many in the congregation.
they eventually moved away and were very vocal against males, especially elders..
Leviticus 20. 13 “ ‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.