We men like to look at a pretty woman. It's built into our psyche. And stays with us until old age. Isn't it great!
JoinedPosts by snugglebunny
Miss America and Misguided Views on Sexuality
by Simon inso miss america pageant is going to remove the swimsuit and evening gown parts of their pageant because they have decided it's demeaning to women.
i guess it will just be women in overcoats telling us they want world peace .... bravo, we all applaud, right?
maybe we shouldn't be so quick to do so .... what is it really saying?
Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Baker Who Refused to Bake Cake for Gay Couple
by Simon inseems like such an obviously correct decision to overturn the previous overreach - it should never have been necessary to go to the supreme court but happened because the rights of the religious were being ignored.. as the fundamental level, no one should be able to compel you to work for them or to provide services that go against your beliefs, and certainly not have the government be able to force you to comply.. if this was allowed there would be so many unreconcilable situations that would clog up courts over nonsense.. i also have little patience for these activists that intentionally look to be offended.
it really doesn't do their cause any good to go round looking to make trouble for people.
it's also misguided because it ends up strengthening religious rights over effectively stupid issues.. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/04/us/politics/supreme-court-sides-with-baker-who-turned-away-gay-couple.html.
The religious aspect is irrelevant. Someone - for whatever reason - doesn't want to bake a celebration cake because he/she disagrees with the subject of the celebration. No big deal.
Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Baker Who Refused to Bake Cake for Gay Couple
by Simon inseems like such an obviously correct decision to overturn the previous overreach - it should never have been necessary to go to the supreme court but happened because the rights of the religious were being ignored.. as the fundamental level, no one should be able to compel you to work for them or to provide services that go against your beliefs, and certainly not have the government be able to force you to comply.. if this was allowed there would be so many unreconcilable situations that would clog up courts over nonsense.. i also have little patience for these activists that intentionally look to be offended.
it really doesn't do their cause any good to go round looking to make trouble for people.
it's also misguided because it ends up strengthening religious rights over effectively stupid issues.. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/04/us/politics/supreme-court-sides-with-baker-who-turned-away-gay-couple.html.
This thread is descending into whataboutery. You can prove almost anything with whataboutery! What's clear is that not supporting same-sex marriage does not make you a homophobe, although the word has now become so over-used it's virtually meaningless. It just means that you're a traditionalist when it comes to marriage and that doing anything that indicates a person's tacit approval of same-sex marriage is not for you. So you're going to give it a miss.
WT Finger Pointing
by Vanderhoven7 indo you have examples of wt style finger pointing (with 3 pointing right back).
"satans organization claims to be gods organization, and persecutes those who are actually members of gods organization.
satans organization sails under the high-sounding name of "christendom".
"Satans organization claims to be Gods organization, and persecutes those who are actually members of Gods organization. Satans organization sails under the high-sounding name of "Christendom".
Step 1. Open Bible.
Step 2. Search for the word "organization". Your search will be in vain.
Step 3. Conclude any references to God's organization and Satan's organization is made up and has no basis in Scripture.
A ridiculous thing I found in the old young people’s book
by Addison0998 init was in some book for young people that i found going through the watchtower library when i was doing research for old publications, i cannot believe this lunacy, i feel so bad for the teenagers at the time who had to try to take this seriously, but they’re not a high control religion or cult though, anyways here is is : .
if you sleep in a room alone and you find that you seem to feel special stress in this direction at night, you may be able to arrange matters to share a room with another member of your family.
also, you may find it helpful to sleep on your side rather than on your back or face down.. 18 another thing that may be helpful is to see to it that your clothing does not unnecessarily cause friction with the sexual organs.
The answer to unnecessary manipulation when taking a pee:
UK justice..
by zeb intommie robinson has reported often about what he sees as the demise of british society by the imposition of 'sharia' norms.. https://www.infowars.com/update-tommy-robinson-gets-13-months-for-livestreaming-outside-courthouse/?utm_source=nightly+newsletter&utm_campaign=9e3ceb30f6-email_campaign_2018_05_25_03_10&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_e12661a83c-9e3ceb30f6-38680565.
yesterday he was jailed for 13 months for reporting outside a court in the uk.
his was a non violent offence.. what no community service?
Maybe if we learned to stop radiating white guilt like a cheap Dimplex room heater we'd deal with crime properly. Instead we pussyfoot around ethnic criminals and in the process leave the door wide open for right-wing extremists to hijack events for their own ends.
Favourite Quirky / Low Budget / Non-Mainstream Movies
by Simon inso the recent topic about film franchises got me thinking.
sure, we all love the big budget, mainstream releases that are so successful they spawn never-ending (it sometimes seems) sequels.
we could watch marvel and star-wars movies for the rest of our lives (and we might just ...).. but y'know what i love?
Bunnies everywhere! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_caJjIRC-Q
UK justice..
by zeb intommie robinson has reported often about what he sees as the demise of british society by the imposition of 'sharia' norms.. https://www.infowars.com/update-tommy-robinson-gets-13-months-for-livestreaming-outside-courthouse/?utm_source=nightly+newsletter&utm_campaign=9e3ceb30f6-email_campaign_2018_05_25_03_10&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_e12661a83c-9e3ceb30f6-38680565.
yesterday he was jailed for 13 months for reporting outside a court in the uk.
his was a non violent offence.. what no community service?
Whatever the rights and wrongs of the Tommy Robinson affair, political correctness and a fear of being labelled as racist have left a vacuum that will always be filled by the more right-wing elements in our society.
British Sociologist Predicts Possible Collapse in Jehovah's Witness Numbers
by slimboyfat ina newly published article by british sociologist david voas argues jehovah's witnesses may be about to experience a collapse in numbers.
contrary to claims by american sociologist rodney stark who predicts strong future growth for jehovah's witnesses, voas shows that jehovah's witnesses' efforts at recruiting new members have become increasingly unsuccessful over the past few decades: the rate of increase has steadily declined, and the number of hours each publisher must preach to produce an extra convert has gone up substantially.
voas suggests a reason for the stagnation may be that there is a natural limit to the number of people in a given population that are susceptible to conversion to sectarian groups like jehovah's witnesses - the 'carrying capacity' of the population, and that the limit has largely been reached.
As part of our country's ongoing commitment to doing whatever the EU tells us to do, I guess we should be grateful that anyone aspiring to snowflakery will be safer and happier under the new GDPR legislation. And belonging to the EU only costs us around £400 million gross every week. Bargain!