My friend John Curry named his daughter Juanita.
JoinedPosts by snugglebunny
Strange first names among jw's
by fulano indo you remember those families where all the sons and daughters had weird biblical names?.
i recall a " machlon" , "eunice" , even a "jehosafath".
can you believe it..
I Wonder What Tony Tightpants Morris Thought Of Prince?
by pale.emperor inwe all know tony the turd has an obsession with boys in tight pants.
i cant help but wonder what he thought about brother nelson (aka.
prince) who was known to squeeze into some tight numbers from time to time?.
but..but..I have a very cute rear end. I don't want to waste it.
What JW habits do you still have?
by Exelder insince leaving the jw's after over 4 decades, i can see exactly what it is and hate everything it stands for.
however, there are still some jw habits and traits that i can't get rid of:.
1. i can't swear in general conversation (i'd have to be really angry).
DFed talking to other DFed
by blownaway ini don't know if they do this any longer but back in the day they had a special section at an assembly sectioned off for dfed people who would have to wear a ribbon that said disfellowshipped.
do they still do this and what was the rules on dfed talking to dfed at the assembly?
I remember there being a row of chairs along the back wall for DF'd persons to sit. The really eager-to-get-back -in ones would shush the other shunnees if they attempted a conversation.
The curious case of Oliver Cromwell's head
by LoveUniHateExams injust been reading a bit about oliver cromwell on wiki, plus i watched a documentary on youtube.. cromwell fought against king charles the first and the royalists in the 17th century.
king charles lost the civil war and was beheaded in 1649. after this, england was without a monarch and cromwell became lord protector of the commonwealth.
cromwell died in 1658 and was embalmed and buried in westminster abbey.
Substitute "Brussels" in place of "King" in the above clip for yet another perspective.
"New Light" on "New Light"
by new boy init’s just the “new light” is much better and brighter than the old light.
1965: more “new light.” these men will be resurrected, for sure.. 1988: jehovah apparently changed his mind once again.
the light gets brighter.
So weird..back in the early 80's, my JW momma, a nice lady, but her eyes used to glaze over when she was wearing her dubbie hat, actually took me to one side and said that now that the DF'ing for "certain sex acts" had been rescinded, would I like to apply for reinstatement? I told her that I'd been long gone before the DF'ing for "certain sex acts" had even been introduced and that I'd left simply because I didn't believe anymore. She gave me a sad smile, shook her head and said something along the lines of "Ah well...if you say so.."
The curious case of Oliver Cromwell's head
by LoveUniHateExams injust been reading a bit about oliver cromwell on wiki, plus i watched a documentary on youtube.. cromwell fought against king charles the first and the royalists in the 17th century.
king charles lost the civil war and was beheaded in 1649. after this, england was without a monarch and cromwell became lord protector of the commonwealth.
cromwell died in 1658 and was embalmed and buried in westminster abbey.
Richard Harris as Cromwell socks it to 'em:
"New Light" on "New Light"
by new boy init’s just the “new light” is much better and brighter than the old light.
1965: more “new light.” these men will be resurrected, for sure.. 1988: jehovah apparently changed his mind once again.
the light gets brighter.
Oral sex:
- a disfellowshipping offence 1974
- no longer a disfellowshipping offence 1978
- once again a disfellowshipping offence 1983 ongoing
WT Lap Dance Anyone?
by Solzhenitsyn infrom the 11/2018 wt study edition:.
lap dancing is a form of lewd conduct that is becoming more common in the world”.
perhaps this observation goes hand in hand with the previous article pp.17 that “….
A rather prim local lady here bemoans the arrival of laptop dancing clubs. -
WT Lap Dance Anyone?
by Solzhenitsyn infrom the 11/2018 wt study edition:.
lap dancing is a form of lewd conduct that is becoming more common in the world”.
perhaps this observation goes hand in hand with the previous article pp.17 that “….
Just stick with Stripping Ordinaire!