This needs to be made public.
Can you extract her to give support?.
I know of this happening twice and both persons lives ended in suicide.
So Sad
i was contacted by my ex sister-in-law yesterday.
she asked me if i wanted to spend some time with my niece, while she went to her sister's baby shower.
it turns out my niece can't go because she's about to be disfellowshipped at the ripe old age of 14. .
This needs to be made public.
Can you extract her to give support?.
I know of this happening twice and both persons lives ended in suicide.
So Sad
i believe it's taking place as i type this.
just curious if anyone knows what's it's about.
just want to prepare myself for it in case my father should bring it up.
hi, everybody.. romor has it that here in japan, downloading jw application is dangerous because once.
you download it, borg will know your every activity on the internet.. is this true?.
does anybody know about that kind of thing?.
On the JW Library there are ZERO permissions.
They are not tracking your location nor your phone type.
At least it is not stated in the app permissions.
Probably the only app out there that doesn't do so. jehovah's witnesses' properties for sale - rising costs force religious group to go small.
sunday | april 10, 2016 | 12:00 am by erica virtue.
norman grindley.
this article suggests that there are projects being halted, but chelmsford isn't one of them.
can someone from the uk tell me if this article was written by a reputable and known publisher?
plans for huge jehovah's witnesses hq continues.
The GB Need privacy;
The Entrance
Opens up to
Full interrogation of those Apostate Scum
And Judgment - Completely secret form the outside world.
there was a recent leak of a letter to congregations regarding a new dpa no blood card.
part of the letter reads as follows:.
as a reminder, you should provide copies of your completed advance decision document to (1) those who served as witnesses, (2) your general practitioner (doctor), and (3) your congregation secretary.
a reader from south carolina has a heartbreaking story:" i am 31 years old.
i was raised in a strict bi-cultural (af-american and nigerian) jehovah’s witness family, one of six children.
though it’s generally looked down upon for jws to attend liberal arts universities (vocational schools are recommended), i somehow convinced my parents to allow me to go to university and major in theater (!!
Makes you laugh when a Lying JW refutes honest people telling it like it is.
I keep going back to this to show people what it is like when you tell ya mum you don't want to be a JW anymore.
i've heard this before that what jws do is the same as a black mass.
could someone give me a link, book or evidence to support this please..
The Black Mass starts on the same day that the memorial was held this year and lasts a week, since the actual memorial date should be about 22nd April 2016, one could therefore ask why did they hold the memorial this year on that particular date. Black Mass or are they simply now celebrating the Pagan Easter tradition?, who can really say?.
The GB give no explanation for these changes. Many believe the organization to be aligned with the occult.
The denial of Christs Blood at the memorial observance certainly is worthy consideration in this regard.
It was amazing this year to finally get documented proof that C.T Russel was a Commander of the Knight’s Of The Maccabees, part of the Rosicrucians order ?
. Anything is possible with this cult.
so sad.
i love europe.
i love going there not as a tourist, but just blending in and spending time with locals in non-touristy local gems.. islam seems to be spreading their religion of peace throughout the continent.
potentially any muslim can or will provide aid or assistance to their brother whom is a terrorist. Even keeping silent knowing they are a engaged.
That is a dangerous situation, they may not actually be the terrorist but are prepared to provide silence or more.
where do you draw a line?
we all sin and some sins are worse than others but blasphemy against the holy spirit is said to be unforgivable.what is considered to be an unforgivable sin?
firstly define the holy spirit
what is it
where is it
prove it is there
how can i sin against something that is in your mind?, my sin can only be based upon your terms, your thinking.
my mind has no thought of holy spirit therefore how can i sin against something i fail to find exist or even logical?.
now that is worth thinking about.