The story from RadioCanada CBC:
(in French)
the jehovah's witnesses are facing a lot of negative exposure in quebec over the blood ban.
two maternal deaths recently due to the blood ban and now this.
jw patients willing to sacrifice their child.
The story from RadioCanada CBC:
(in French)
the jehovah's witnesses are facing a lot of negative exposure in quebec over the blood ban.
two maternal deaths recently due to the blood ban and now this.
jw patients willing to sacrifice their child.
The Jehovah's Witnesses are facing a lot of negative exposure in Quebec over the blood ban. Two maternal deaths recently due to the blood ban and now this. JW patients willing to sacrifice their child. For their own salvation.
There is nothing like the life of a baby being put at needless risk to get the public's emotions riled up.
Nicolas Saillant
Friday, 14 July 2017 17:44
Friday, 14 July 2017 17:44
The superior Court has allowed the doctors of the Mother-Child Centre (CHUL) to do a blood transfusion to a baby born despite the refusal of Jehovah’s witness parents.
The “baby-daughter” of the parents of the region of Bellechasse, Jehovah’s witnesses, was born with an abdominal mass, which requires an emergency operation according to the doctors. The parents were open to the trade as such, but refused any blood transfusion during the operation.
Due to the risk of death if the emergency operation had not taken place, the CHUL is, therefore, addressed to the superior Court on Wednesday, the day after the birth, to be able to proceed despite the notice of the parents.
“The right to life and security of the child of the defendants should take precedence over the freedom of their religious belief”, argued the lawyers of the Mother-Child Centre quoted by Radio-Canada. The judge acquiesced to the request.
The operation will be performed and blood transfusions may therefore be carried out, if necessary, by the physicians of the new-born.
this article is in french but it translates fairly well:.
the husband of a jehovah's witness who died after giving birth.
the husband of eloïse dupuis, a jehovah's witness who died after giving birth at the hôtel-dieu de lévis, may have the complete medical record of the deceased.a text by yannick bergeron.
Mr. Mous, I don't know where you get your information from, but there are situations where the definitive treatment for severe postpartum hemorrhage is a hysterectomy.
Significant blood loss from any cause requires standard maternal resuscitation measures (Figure 1). Blood loss of more than 1,000 mL requires quick action and an interdisciplinary team approach.54 Hysterectomy is the definitive treatment in women with severe, intractable hemorrhage.
And, when the patient is a JW, the decision to do a hysterectomy has a lower threshold than for those patients who will accept a blood transfusion. In other words, if you are a JW woman, a hysterectomy will be performed much earlier than if you would accept blood.
*and by the way, the links I provided are NOT from quack doctors
this article is in french but it translates fairly well:.
the husband of a jehovah's witness who died after giving birth.
the husband of eloïse dupuis, a jehovah's witness who died after giving birth at the hôtel-dieu de lévis, may have the complete medical record of the deceased.a text by yannick bergeron.
I am going to take a shot in the dark here and make a guess that the "independent expert" that is going to be consulted will be Dr. Mark Boyd from Montreal.
Remember him?
Dr. Mark Boyd was one of the "bloodless" doctors featured in the January 8, 2000 Awake! magazine - the issue where the WTS gives glowing reports and accolades to their friends in the bloodless world (and takes doctor quotes out of context - lots of cherry picking in that issue).
Here is Dr. Mark Boyd as he appeared in the Awake magazine. Rubbing shoulders with the infamous Dr. Joachim Boldt, the Great Pretender. Dr. Boyd is the second from right and the disgraced Boldt is the far left character:
Dr. Boyd was the expert witness into the 1992 death of a JW woman in British Columbia:
this article is in french but it translates fairly well:.
the husband of a jehovah's witness who died after giving birth.
the husband of eloïse dupuis, a jehovah's witness who died after giving birth at the hôtel-dieu de lévis, may have the complete medical record of the deceased.a text by yannick bergeron.
justfine: Its the misinformation and taking away of the choice to save your life that is criminal in my opinion.
Agree. Totally.
I hope there is a very public review of all of this.
I hope so too. But, my hope is tempered with the knowledge of how deeply entwined the WTS is within the medical system in Canada. The WTS has a long and friendly (or antagonistic, depending on the need to be or the location) relationship with the Canadian medical world.
Back in the 60s, it was Glen How's - the WT's Canadian legal beagle - diligent and relentless work in the legal arena that made the blood policy possible. He laid the legal groundwork for this current situation.
The bloodless network is well and firmly established in Canada. It is where it all began - Canada was the pilot ground for the HLC network. We shall see how this plays out. Big players playing big games. With people's lives.
this article is in french but it translates fairly well:.
the husband of a jehovah's witness who died after giving birth.
the husband of eloïse dupuis, a jehovah's witness who died after giving birth at the hôtel-dieu de lévis, may have the complete medical record of the deceased.a text by yannick bergeron.
Yes, Smiddy, you have read the article right.
What is wrong with these people...?
I think that the biggest thing wrong with "these people" is that they have been bombarded with the WT's erroneous messages for so long that they truly believe that a person can and should survive a blood refusal in all cases.
The WT has spent years extolling the virtues of alternative medicine, including recruiting doctors to their noblood ideology, and issuing press releases every time somebody miraculously pulls through a life threatening situation, attributing their survival to some oblique bloodless practice.
JWs have an unrealistic expectation about how blood transfusions are not necessary and how, if a patient even needs a blood transfusion, it is because of the surgeon lacking skill. The WT has subtly, and not so subtly, maligned conventional medical practice so that the ordinary JW believes that if a person dies after blood refusal, it has to be the doctor's fault.
Those false beliefs about blood stay with a person for a long time, sometimes for their entire life. Always believing that the WT has given them the correct information (the WT wouldn't lie!).
For example, I was speaking to my father a few years back about the blood doctrine. He left the JWs way back in the late 60s but he had attended the Kingdom Ministry School in Toronto in the mid-60s. This is what he said to me (and when he said this, his voice did that weird timbre and cadence change...he slipped into his WT trained 'instructive' voice): "There is no need for a blood transfusion. Doctors have a product that is a saline solution that works just as good as blood." I said, "Dad, who told you that?"And he replied, "Well, that is what we were told in Toronto."
I had to have a little chat with my dad and update him on the uses of Ringer's lactate and the inability of it to perform as good as blood. And I told him about how the US Army used JW patients back in the 60s to test the limits of Ringer's Lactate, resulting in many deaths. Those who died basically drowned from fluid build up in their lungs.
The Coroner's inquest into Eloise's death is still ongoing and the media attention around this case was intense when she died. In addition to Eloise's husband dealing with the pain and grief of losing his wife, I wouldn't be surprised if he has been receiving "spiritual direction" from the WT's spiritual legal/medical team. They will be looking for ways to counteract whatever the coroner finds in his investigation. It isn't just Eloise's husband who has a stake in this. The HLC, their bloodless experts who took over medical treatment advice, and the WT - all have an interest.
It wouldn't surprise me if there is heavy WT involvement in Mr. Dupuis' actions. Of course there is. There always has been. The coroner's investigation has the potential to, once again, put the WT and their bloodless crew in an unfavorable light. And the WT's Blood Team is using Mr. Dupuis' grief to mount a defense for their noblood ideology.
there are a number of defendants being sued by the trustee.
two are jw's from vancouver lower mainland.
this b--ch started the business in vancouver and then took it to washington.. here is the list of defendants.. lls america llc, debtor.
HiddlesWife: I wonder if The CNBC TV series "American Greed" may profile this case as an episode on their show. . .
I think it would make for some good viewing. The case is quite complicated and there are so many players. many of them are JWs. 75% JWs.
I am interested in Lorenz Reibling's investment of $1.5 million. That is substantial. An unsecured investment. That he lost.
Why it interests me is the claims of his investment prowess on the international market and his targeting of very, very wealthy families' money. (read more here and here)
This investment does not smell of honest investing. That is evident in the cases where Bruce Kreigman won judgement against some of the "net winners".
The judge in those cases included this statement, or one similar, in the rulings:
"Defendants knew or should have known that Debtor was perpetrating a fraud"
Why did Reibling invest? Because his boys had already made some money? But, he should have known it was a fraud.
And then there are all those cases that were withdrawn. They also were net winners. But, from what I was able to piece together from the information I could find, I think that those 93 defendants, who had their cases withdrawn, had entered into a payback scheme of some type. It wasn't that they weren't guilty, it was that they settled.
this article is in french but it translates fairly well:.
the husband of a jehovah's witness who died after giving birth.
the husband of eloïse dupuis, a jehovah's witness who died after giving birth at the hôtel-dieu de lévis, may have the complete medical record of the deceased.a text by yannick bergeron.
This article is in French but it translates fairly well:
The husband of a Jehovah's Witness who died after giving birth
The husband of Eloïse Dupuis, a Jehovah's Witness who died after giving birth at the Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis, may have the complete medical record of the deceased.
A text by Yannick Bergeron
The husband is looking for someone to blame for his wife's death.
Paul-André Roy wants to submit the medical file to an independent expert to determine whether the work of the medical staff opens the door to a lawsuit.
"Independent expert". That will likely be one of the WT's "bloodless" experts. A doctor from the HLC's "cooperative doctors" list. I wonder who the expert will be...
And this:
The husband could also appeal against the media, which would have infringed the honor and dignity of Eloise Dupuis by undermining his reputation after his death.
so, i've been away from any meetings of the jobos for around 5 years.
i'm glad i'm out but the fallout and loss damn near destroyed me.
but, being a stiff upper lip brit, i 'kbo.
Spiral: @OrphanCrow Interesting. We know they will change the rules or get new light as necessary.
I have been influenced by this paper here:
Pauline Côté,
James T. Richardson
If you are able to access this paper, it is an excellent read. The changes in doctrine and behavior of the WT organization are historically traced through the lens of a legal perspective and the newest change in the preaching behavior fits what the authors propose in their "deformation" theory.
so, i've been away from any meetings of the jobos for around 5 years.
i'm glad i'm out but the fallout and loss damn near destroyed me.
but, being a stiff upper lip brit, i 'kbo.
The change to a passive, non-aggressive approach in the org's advertising techniques is a deliberate legal strategy.
The org is a legalistic organization that plays in the international theater, using their religious freedom banner to challenge and change laws. And, when need arises, they change their behavior to conform to legal standards in certain countries, often making changes worldwide to give plausibility to whatever legal conditions exist in countries they are trying to infiltrate.
Evangelizing and proselytizing are under intense restrictions in many countries and the org has bent to those requirements. Witnessing techniques in the "free" world are being adapted to conform to restrictive countries' standards.
The org has legal battles on the international stage. The cart witnessing strategy is just one of their rabbits in the hat.