Outlaw: Coincidence: 7 earthquakes 7.4 in Russia today......Fisherman
The WBT$ God can`t sway a court decision but, he can cause 7 Earth Quakes?
It's the seventh trumpet sounding. Duh dun
Sheesh...c'mon, everybody knows that
the supreme court of russia has rejected the jehovah's witnesses' appeal.. https://jw-russia.org/news/17071719-195.html.
july 17, 2017 the supreme court of russia has missed the last chance to restore law and justice for the 175,000 russian citizens professing the religion of jehovah's witnesses.
it took less than an hour of the meeting a panel of three supreme court judges, to leave unchanged the decision taken earlier by the judge yuri ivanenko, the liquidation and ban any and all registered organizations of the religion.since there is no more effective domestic remedies, the believers will appeal to the european court of human rights and other international organizations.. *note: as reported by the jworg source, jw-russia.org.
Outlaw: Coincidence: 7 earthquakes 7.4 in Russia today......Fisherman
The WBT$ God can`t sway a court decision but, he can cause 7 Earth Quakes?
It's the seventh trumpet sounding. Duh dun
Sheesh...c'mon, everybody knows that
the supreme court of russia has rejected the jehovah's witnesses' appeal.. https://jw-russia.org/news/17071719-195.html.
july 17, 2017 the supreme court of russia has missed the last chance to restore law and justice for the 175,000 russian citizens professing the religion of jehovah's witnesses.
it took less than an hour of the meeting a panel of three supreme court judges, to leave unchanged the decision taken earlier by the judge yuri ivanenko, the liquidation and ban any and all registered organizations of the religion.since there is no more effective domestic remedies, the believers will appeal to the european court of human rights and other international organizations.. *note: as reported by the jworg source, jw-russia.org.
Reazon: I would love to read just in article which list the reasons why they were banned. These news sources need to get better at reporting these matters.
It would take some digging to pull up the reasons, etc. There is a couple decades of court papers to wade through to arrive at what instigated the ruling and what the ruling actually was based on.
But, if you follow the transcript of the proceedings for today's appeal, it went basically like this:
Org Lawyer: Blah, blah, blah, blah (repeat, spin, wash...blah, blah, blah....) on and on...blah. blah, blah....your fault, blah, blah, blah, and finished up with a veiled 'God will judge' threat
Russia's response: Nyet
the supreme court of russia has rejected the jehovah's witnesses' appeal.. https://jw-russia.org/news/17071719-195.html.
july 17, 2017 the supreme court of russia has missed the last chance to restore law and justice for the 175,000 russian citizens professing the religion of jehovah's witnesses.
it took less than an hour of the meeting a panel of three supreme court judges, to leave unchanged the decision taken earlier by the judge yuri ivanenko, the liquidation and ban any and all registered organizations of the religion.since there is no more effective domestic remedies, the believers will appeal to the european court of human rights and other international organizations.. *note: as reported by the jworg source, jw-russia.org.
The Supreme Court of Russia has rejected the Jehovah's Witnesses' appeal.
July 17, 2017 the Supreme Court of Russia has missed the last chance to restore law and justice for the 175,000 Russian citizens professing the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. It took less than an hour of the meeting a panel of three Supreme Court judges, to leave unchanged the decision taken earlier by the judge Yuri Ivanenko, the liquidation and ban any and all registered organizations of the religion.
Since there is no more effective domestic remedies, the believers will appeal to the European Court of Human Rights and other international organizations.
*note: as reported by the jworg source, jw-russia.org
switzerland - .
jw files a suit because his surgery was refused!
supreme court decides against jw.. in the present case, the dilemma to which the hospital refers is not at all.
waton: Jws, wt are not a "race" because there are not enough of them.
I don't think that quantity has anything to do with the definition of "race". But I agree, Jws are not a "race".
What they are though, is a group of people who have a rare blood disorder. A blood disorder that dictates they cannot receive blood (well...certain kinds of blood). And what makes this an ethically precarious position for the Watchtower Society, is that it is the Society who has given that disorder to this group of people. That rare blood group has been constructed - the JWs are not 'medically' a rare blood group - the WTS says they are.
And that is where I have an issue with the WTS' blood phobia. They have been allowed to use that "religious" doctrine to create an experimental group - a group of people who can medically have blood but are prohibited from having it. This transgresses everything that their twisted mantra of "first do no harm" is meant to stand for.
"When you give somebody a disease — even by the standards of their time — you really cross the key ethical norm of the profession," said Arthur Caplan, director of the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Bioethics.
The JWs haven't been given a disease per se. They have been given an inherited disorder. They have inherited a blood phobia from the WTS and their unholy alliance with the bloodless industry. The JWs have been given a blood disorder.
Unfortunately the wtbts will never be able to get "new light" on the blood issue due to the lawsuits that would follow.
"New light" concerning the blood issue has always followed the direction that new developments in the bloodless industry require. The only thing that could possibly change the blood doctrine is when a safe and effective blood substitute has been developed. And even then, I doubt it. There are always bigger and brighter frontiers to conquer in the world of blood development.
Besides, if and when that magic elixir - artificial blood - hits the market, all it will do is allow the JWs to say - see? jehobah was right! And all the while they will ignore the glaring reality that everything the bloodle$$ industry pin$ their hope$ on, only came about as the result of blood transfusion technology to begin with. Without blood transfusion technology, the bloodless world would be dead in the water. Hypocrites.
switzerland - .
jw files a suit because his surgery was refused!
supreme court decides against jw.. in the present case, the dilemma to which the hospital refers is not at all.
Donat R. Spahn.
Blood politics. And the JW patients are the pawns in their deadly game.
the edinburgh city observatory sits atop calton hill at the east end of the city centre adjacent to burn's monument, scotland's national monument modelled on the parthenon, and nelson's monument with the time ball that falls at 1pm every day except sundays.. .
the second astronomer royal of edinburgh was charles piazzi smyth (jan. 1819 - feb. 1900).
smyth was a man of many and varied interests including meteorology, producing weather observations that still form an important part of uk climate records to this day.. building on the work of james taylor, smyth became fascinated by the great pyramid of egypt at giza.
From the Golden Age magazine September, 1921:
one thing i picked up from the " remember the wife of lott" video was the amount of time the jw women gave over to improving their looks.. in days of old i doubt a jw wife would have been portrayed in a salon having a lot of beauty treatments .. that's not to say it would be looked down on, per sa, i just doubt it would have been portrayed on official propaganda videos as an acceptable way for jw women to spend time that could be otherwise given over to promoting " kingdom interests".
given the way the org uses anything to belittle women i'm surprised they let those scenes fly without negative comment.. just a minor point ....i know the vids have been done to death by now!!
Diogenesister: Given the way the org uses anything to belittle women I'm surprised they let those scenes fly without negative comment.
Appearance is everything.
And what the attention to beauty treatments actually does, is reinforce the notion that women are objects. Objects to be owned. The prettier the better. Better for the men who own them.
the jehovah's witnesses are facing a lot of negative exposure in quebec over the blood ban.
two maternal deaths recently due to the blood ban and now this.
jw patients willing to sacrifice their child.
You are welcome, Finkelstein.
Here is another thing about babies and medicine.
Babies are not counted in mortality rates when those bloodless "experts" publish the oftentimes manipulated data concerning "JW patients do as well as those who receive blood(!!!)".
All the retrospective studies concerning Jehovah's Witnesses and how they fare against the general population - studies designed to promote bloodless technology - none of those studies include the minor population. It is always the adult population that is analyzed.
The babies and children who die from blood refusal are invisible - they don't even rate being counted in medical statistics.
the jehovah's witnesses are facing a lot of negative exposure in quebec over the blood ban.
two maternal deaths recently due to the blood ban and now this.
jw patients willing to sacrifice their child.
As much as these news stories get the public's attention (for a second or two...), the babies who don't get the same attention, as I mentioned earlier, are the babies who are treated by the "bloodless experts".
There was a Canadian court case involving JW babies back in 2007 and Dr. Shander, the Watchtower's bloodless hero, testified:
"What we do is try to approach the patient from a different scenario. ... we will make sure that their blood level is brought up before surgery," he said. "We will collect every drop of blood during surgery ... and we can return all the products back to them later on."
Machines that recycle a patient's own blood and drugs that reduce the need for transfusions are among the techniques used.
Dr. Shander said he's used the approach on a wide variety of patients - including premature babies born to parents who are Jehovah's Witnesses, a religion that forbids blood transfusions.
Babies, those little people with tiny little bodies, are valuable to the development of bloodless surgical methods.
When I read Dr. Cooley's memoirs, he spoke of this. He spoke of how some innovations in heart surgery became possible because of doing them on babies first. Not only are infant surgeries sometimes a 'Hail Mary', and therefore, anything and everything becomes a possible remedy, but a baby has less blood to deal with.
In bloodless surgery, the patient's blood is handled and processed in ways that their blood isn't in conventional surgery. In bloodless surgery, the patient's blood is drained (and/or collected), processed, and stored until it is re-transfused back into their body. With an adult, there is a lot of blood for the technicians and equipment to handle. With a baby...there isn't nearly as much blood to deal with.
Babies have been targeted for bloodless surgery development since way back in the 60s and 70s. And it has happened in Canada with the cooperation of Canadian medical doctors (and the impetus of threatened legal action if they didn't cooperate) and was facilitated with the JWs' hospital squad of the time. Bolstered with the pediatrics version of their "Alternatives to Blood Transfusion" book.
I know that the Watchtower's bloodless movement targeted babies. My baby was one of them back in 1974.
the jehovah's witnesses are facing a lot of negative exposure in quebec over the blood ban.
two maternal deaths recently due to the blood ban and now this.
jw patients willing to sacrifice their child.
Finkelstein: What I'd like to see occur is JW parents who let their child die by refusing proper medical treatment face abandonment and neglectful abuse of a child who they're are legally responsible for.
manslaughter in other words.
That would certainly create a lot of attention by the public and JWS as well
That has happened. Except it happened so long ago that hardly anyone knows about it - 1959. And it was in Australia.
VICTORIA v. ALVIN LEONARD JEHU was AUSTRALIA'S FIRST CRIMINAL PROSECUTION of a Jehovah's Witness Parent for refusing to provide consent for blood transfusions needed by their child who eventually died. In January 1959, the Jehus FOURTH child needed an exchange blood transfusion due to complications from Rh factor incompatibility between the mother and child. For two days, newborn Stephen Jehu clung to life as doctors, nurses, and hospital administrators at Queen Victoria Hospital futilely begged Alvin L. Jehu, age 28, and his unidentified JW Wife, of East Preston, to give them consent to perform the required life-saving blood transfusions.
Thereafter, the State of Victoria indicted Alvin Leonard Jehu on charges of MANSLAUGHTER. In March 1960, a jury convicted Alvin Jehu of manslaughter, but also recommended "mercy" regarding his sentence. Jehu was sentenced to 5 years in prison, but that sentence was instantly probated, and Jehu was released on a 5-year "good behavior" bond.
Undoubtedly at the behest of the WatchTower Society, Jehu filed an appeal based on the alleged violation of his religious rights, and the alleged violation of his rights as a parent to choose the best medical care for his children. (During the trial, Jehu had testified that he genuinely believed that blood transfusions actually were physically "dangerous" based on the "medical evidence" presented in WatchTower Cult publications.) Appeal not found. The WatchTower Society PRAISED the Jehus in an AWAKE! magazine article published later in 1960.
The positive from this well-publicized MURDER was that Australia's hospitals became aware and were motivated to petition local courts for legal intervention in such scenarios. Prior to this case, there had been scattered instances of hospitals seeking court intervention, but such was the exception rather than the rule, and the result had been multiple deaths of children of Jehovah's Witness parents across Australia during the 1950s.
In December 1960, the State of Victoria passed the BLOOD TRANSFUSION ACT OF 1960, which amended the Medical Act of 1958, to hold that a competent medical technician who administers a blood transfusion to a person under the age of 21 was considered to have been authorized by a person capable of such authorization when such person has refused or otherwise is unavailable to do so, and when two physicans have agreed that such transfusion is medically necessary.