JoinedPosts by OrphanCrow
"Apostate" brother gives talk in Kingdom Hall and gets removed
by StoneWall inthis guy has to have the most courage of anyone i've ever seen or balls the size of basketballs.he actually gives a good talk and has tidbits scattered about throughout his public talk with hints,suggestions,innuendos of the wt organization.i never want to go in another kingdom hall again in my life but would have made an exception just to be in this audience.
lolnotice what's going on in the audience when they realize somethings up.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqqt0y1peuu.
Russian Ban upheld - JWs lose appeal
by OrphanCrow inthe supreme court of russia has rejected the jehovah's witnesses' appeal.. https://jw-russia.org/news/17071719-195.html.
july 17, 2017 the supreme court of russia has missed the last chance to restore law and justice for the 175,000 russian citizens professing the religion of jehovah's witnesses.
it took less than an hour of the meeting a panel of three supreme court judges, to leave unchanged the decision taken earlier by the judge yuri ivanenko, the liquidation and ban any and all registered organizations of the religion.since there is no more effective domestic remedies, the believers will appeal to the european court of human rights and other international organizations.. *note: as reported by the jworg source, jw-russia.org.
Ray: How can Satan work with Demons like these?
Yeah. Hard to find good help. Especially if they are in league with Satan.
But, I think I am confused. I think I might have that wrong. Was it Satan and the demons making the earthquakes? Or was that Jehovah? And his angels...and all those anointed guys already up there. Sitting at Jesus' right hand (or is that left hand?). Rutherford and Russell up there with Jesus. Shaking and moving the earth.
It gets so confusing...which ones do the bad things? And why would the demons make the earth shake in Russia? Maybe they were dancing too hard? Too much
spiritsvodka?Or...was that Jehovah saying he was mad when the earth shook?
Eh...still confused
Russian Ban upheld - JWs lose appeal
by OrphanCrow inthe supreme court of russia has rejected the jehovah's witnesses' appeal.. https://jw-russia.org/news/17071719-195.html.
july 17, 2017 the supreme court of russia has missed the last chance to restore law and justice for the 175,000 russian citizens professing the religion of jehovah's witnesses.
it took less than an hour of the meeting a panel of three supreme court judges, to leave unchanged the decision taken earlier by the judge yuri ivanenko, the liquidation and ban any and all registered organizations of the religion.since there is no more effective domestic remedies, the believers will appeal to the european court of human rights and other international organizations.. *note: as reported by the jworg source, jw-russia.org.
Outlaw: I`ve never met a JW who was able to speak truthfully.
When it was in their best interests to be deceitful or outright lie.
As we can see from your example, JW`s are not honest people.So, Outlaw, if you were in the Russian court and listened to this argument from Maksim Novakov, one of the WT's lawyers...
"...plaintiff calls extremists peace-loving citizens. Hitler at the time vowed to destroy Jehovah's Witnesses for refusing to show extremism, and the Ministry of Justice today asks to hang on Jehovah's Witnesses extremist label. In this case, the charges are humiliated Jehovah's Witnesses, as they are accused of lying. We do not and can not be a reason not to trust the members of the local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, bringing to administrative responsibility, that claim is not distributed extremist materials, but were victims of fraud. We believe Jehovah's Witnesses not only because they provided one hundred percent proof of fraud, but also because they are highly moral people living in harmony with the biblical commandment: "In everything we want to conduct ourselves honestly." Charges of lying dehumanizing Witnesses. Physiological studies have been conducted in relation to Jehovah's Witnesses. Studies have established: Jehovah's Witnesses are telling the truth, which is quite natural for them."
...you likely would have a difficult time swallowing the BS spouting from him.
Firstly, Hitler was pissed at the JWs because Rutherford had them engage in distributing propaganda in opposition to the German government and as a response to having his precious WT property and printing presses seized.
I will leave the rest of the lawyer's arguments to stand the test of credibility...because, ya' know...studies have established (!!!!) *that last sentence kills me
No wonder the Russian Supreme Court said "Nyet". Who could swallow that crap???
Russian Ban upheld - JWs lose appeal
by OrphanCrow inthe supreme court of russia has rejected the jehovah's witnesses' appeal.. https://jw-russia.org/news/17071719-195.html.
july 17, 2017 the supreme court of russia has missed the last chance to restore law and justice for the 175,000 russian citizens professing the religion of jehovah's witnesses.
it took less than an hour of the meeting a panel of three supreme court judges, to leave unchanged the decision taken earlier by the judge yuri ivanenko, the liquidation and ban any and all registered organizations of the religion.since there is no more effective domestic remedies, the believers will appeal to the european court of human rights and other international organizations.. *note: as reported by the jworg source, jw-russia.org.
And a 6.4 earthquake down in Peru!!!!!
What the hell is going on in Peru??!!???
My heart is poundin' Fisherman
Let me guess...some of the demons got the date wrong and maybe the wrong map from Satan and they ended up in Peru instead of making Russia's date with jehovah
Russell's Pyramidology Originated In Edinburgh Scotland
by cofty inthe edinburgh city observatory sits atop calton hill at the east end of the city centre adjacent to burn's monument, scotland's national monument modelled on the parthenon, and nelson's monument with the time ball that falls at 1pm every day except sundays.. .
the second astronomer royal of edinburgh was charles piazzi smyth (jan. 1819 - feb. 1900).
smyth was a man of many and varied interests including meteorology, producing weather observations that still form an important part of uk climate records to this day.. building on the work of james taylor, smyth became fascinated by the great pyramid of egypt at giza.
Sparrowdown: Very glad for this op as I 'm so sick of people who insist on perpetuating the idea that the pyamid monument near Russell's gravestone has nothing to do with WT or Russell - ha piffell!
vienne: Sparrow, I don't know of anyone who denies the pyramid monument is connected to Russell...Well...there are some JWs floating around with some strange notions so I wouldn't entirely discount some JWs denying the connection. For any that do hold onto the idea that the WT had nothing at all to do with the pyramid, this is from the ISBA 1919 Convention Report:
Note the list of items contained in Russell's "time capsule". *can we arrange an opening of the time capsule? a 100 year anniversary??
I wonder if any of those pink granite "souvenir chips" (about the size of an egg) are anywhere around. Maybe someone's great-great grandma's treasure box contained a piece of pink stone and nobody knew the significance of it. A chip off the ol' block itself.
Russian Ban upheld - JWs lose appeal
by OrphanCrow inthe supreme court of russia has rejected the jehovah's witnesses' appeal.. https://jw-russia.org/news/17071719-195.html.
july 17, 2017 the supreme court of russia has missed the last chance to restore law and justice for the 175,000 russian citizens professing the religion of jehovah's witnesses.
it took less than an hour of the meeting a panel of three supreme court judges, to leave unchanged the decision taken earlier by the judge yuri ivanenko, the liquidation and ban any and all registered organizations of the religion.since there is no more effective domestic remedies, the believers will appeal to the european court of human rights and other international organizations.. *note: as reported by the jworg source, jw-russia.org.
And from The Moscow Times, an interior shot:
The history of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, illustrated in the museum of the Russian administrative center of Jehovah's Witnesses based in the town of Solnechnoye
And elsewhere in Russia, on July 17 - the same day of the JW appeal - 60,000 Russians formed a 4 hour procession to march in memory of the murdered Tsar and his family (most Russians have other things on their mind):
And the Russian JW who spoke in court had the nerve to compare the JWs' plight to the Orthodox Church in 1918. What an ignorant and myopic view on the part of the JWs - tunnel vision. All about them.
*sorry about the quote box...can't seem to fix it
Russian Ban upheld - JWs lose appeal
by OrphanCrow inthe supreme court of russia has rejected the jehovah's witnesses' appeal.. https://jw-russia.org/news/17071719-195.html.
july 17, 2017 the supreme court of russia has missed the last chance to restore law and justice for the 175,000 russian citizens professing the religion of jehovah's witnesses.
it took less than an hour of the meeting a panel of three supreme court judges, to leave unchanged the decision taken earlier by the judge yuri ivanenko, the liquidation and ban any and all registered organizations of the religion.since there is no more effective domestic remedies, the believers will appeal to the european court of human rights and other international organizations.. *note: as reported by the jworg source, jw-russia.org.
Outlaw: Coincidence: 7 earthquakes 7.4 in Russia today......Fisherman
The WBT$ God can`t sway a court decision but, he can cause 7 Earth Quakes?It's the seventh trumpet sounding. Duh dun
Sheesh...c'mon, everybody knows that
Russian Ban upheld - JWs lose appeal
by OrphanCrow inthe supreme court of russia has rejected the jehovah's witnesses' appeal.. https://jw-russia.org/news/17071719-195.html.
july 17, 2017 the supreme court of russia has missed the last chance to restore law and justice for the 175,000 russian citizens professing the religion of jehovah's witnesses.
it took less than an hour of the meeting a panel of three supreme court judges, to leave unchanged the decision taken earlier by the judge yuri ivanenko, the liquidation and ban any and all registered organizations of the religion.since there is no more effective domestic remedies, the believers will appeal to the european court of human rights and other international organizations.. *note: as reported by the jworg source, jw-russia.org.
Reazon: I would love to read just in article which list the reasons why they were banned. These news sources need to get better at reporting these matters.
It would take some digging to pull up the reasons, etc. There is a couple decades of court papers to wade through to arrive at what instigated the ruling and what the ruling actually was based on.
But, if you follow the transcript of the proceedings for today's appeal, it went basically like this:
Org Lawyer: Blah, blah, blah, blah (repeat, spin, wash...blah, blah, blah....) on and on...blah. blah, blah....your fault, blah, blah, blah, and finished up with a veiled 'God will judge' threat
Russia's response: Nyet
Russian Ban upheld - JWs lose appeal
by OrphanCrow inthe supreme court of russia has rejected the jehovah's witnesses' appeal.. https://jw-russia.org/news/17071719-195.html.
july 17, 2017 the supreme court of russia has missed the last chance to restore law and justice for the 175,000 russian citizens professing the religion of jehovah's witnesses.
it took less than an hour of the meeting a panel of three supreme court judges, to leave unchanged the decision taken earlier by the judge yuri ivanenko, the liquidation and ban any and all registered organizations of the religion.since there is no more effective domestic remedies, the believers will appeal to the european court of human rights and other international organizations.. *note: as reported by the jworg source, jw-russia.org.
The Supreme Court of Russia has rejected the Jehovah's Witnesses' appeal.
July 17, 2017 the Supreme Court of Russia has missed the last chance to restore law and justice for the 175,000 Russian citizens professing the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. It took less than an hour of the meeting a panel of three Supreme Court judges, to leave unchanged the decision taken earlier by the judge Yuri Ivanenko, the liquidation and ban any and all registered organizations of the religion.
Since there is no more effective domestic remedies, the believers will appeal to the European Court of Human Rights and other international organizations.*note: as reported by the jworg source, jw-russia.org
Hospital refuses surgery on JW patient - Switzerland
by TheWonderofYou inswitzerland - .
jw files a suit because his surgery was refused!
supreme court decides against jw.. in the present case, the dilemma to which the hospital refers is not at all.
waton: Jws, wt are not a "race" because there are not enough of them.
I don't think that quantity has anything to do with the definition of "race". But I agree, Jws are not a "race".
What they are though, is a group of people who have a rare blood disorder. A blood disorder that dictates they cannot receive blood (well...certain kinds of blood). And what makes this an ethically precarious position for the Watchtower Society, is that it is the Society who has given that disorder to this group of people. That rare blood group has been constructed - the JWs are not 'medically' a rare blood group - the WTS says they are.
And that is where I have an issue with the WTS' blood phobia. They have been allowed to use that "religious" doctrine to create an experimental group - a group of people who can medically have blood but are prohibited from having it. This transgresses everything that their twisted mantra of "first do no harm" is meant to stand for.
"When you give somebody a disease — even by the standards of their time — you really cross the key ethical norm of the profession," said Arthur Caplan, director of the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Bioethics.
The JWs haven't been given a disease per se. They have been given an inherited disorder. They have inherited a blood phobia from the WTS and their unholy alliance with the bloodless industry. The JWs have been given a blood disorder.
Unfortunately the wtbts will never be able to get "new light" on the blood issue due to the lawsuits that would follow."New light" concerning the blood issue has always followed the direction that new developments in the bloodless industry require. The only thing that could possibly change the blood doctrine is when a safe and effective blood substitute has been developed. And even then, I doubt it. There are always bigger and brighter frontiers to conquer in the world of blood development.
Besides, if and when that magic elixir - artificial blood - hits the market, all it will do is allow the JWs to say - see? jehobah was right! And all the while they will ignore the glaring reality that everything the bloodle$$ industry pin$ their hope$ on, only came about as the result of blood transfusion technology to begin with. Without blood transfusion technology, the bloodless world would be dead in the water. Hypocrites.