smiddy: Their are other sites that show crimes comitted by Jehovahs witnesses , and every crime you can think of has been comitted by a practicing JW from murder to robbery ,extortion ,fraud, and child sexual abuse to name a few.
6 pages of JW crimes against non-JWs
Halfbanana: What is problematic for the researcher is the absence of references in most cases.
I have found some information just by looking for my own sources. Most of the cases have a reference and for the ones that don't, they are outweighed by the wealth of reliable information on the site.
The commentary, however, leaves a bit to be desired at times - some of the comments make me cringe. But, I try to ignore the commentary and look up the primary sources to do my own digging around if the case sounds interesting so that I can make my own conclusions.
The pages that are really difficult to go through are the ones concerning children:
Legal Issues Affecting Children of Jehovah's Witnesses
There are several pages of blood transfusion cases involving children
...and many more