sbf: ... it's embarrassing for JWs to explain why Jesus is apparently called Jehovah here.
It isn't just embarrassing.
This is one place where it is painfully obvious that the motivations, and the WT's process, is flawed at its core. You can wave all sorts of scholarly books around that claim to speculatively support the WT's "Jehovah" additions into the NT text, but when they use it inconsistently, it is clear that they have no interest in real evidence or academic validation - they are only interested in making sure that Jesus doesn't get divine status. The WT perverts the text just enough to support their version of god. And that, for sure, is NOT Jesus.
Go up a few verses. Check out what the WT "translators" did to Hebrews 1:8
*edit to add: in about 4 hours from now, the whining and gnashing of teeth should increase on the jworg site. A court in Russia will be ruling on whether or not the silver Sword is extremist. I don't hold out much hope for that fancy pretty JW bibble. The org is trying to denigrate the Russian experts. The org thinks that their shiny brand new bibble should be accepted by a country whose background in Christianity is almost 1000 years older than they are.