Sparrow: they do seem to be particularly picking on lesbians.
Stuckin: Yes. They certainly are focussing more on Lesbian relationships recently.
There was the Cartoon with Sophia and her school friend who had "two mummies"
Then there was the Lot video at the convention.
There was also an outline for the Circuit overseer's visit a few years back that spoke of "pornography with lesbian content"
I noticed the same.
And, it isn't just lesbians, it is the female who is the bad one.
There was the recent material focused on teenagers "sending the wrong message". And in every example given, the girl was the one sending the wrong message.
And then the material about how to protect children from sex abuse. One of the guidelines was to ensure that children are "dressed modestly". Have you ever heard anyone, ever, use the word "modestly" when speaking of boy's clothing? Of course not. It is the girl children who are being talked about.
*edit to add - I forgot one. Wasn't there a WT about how women should have babies so that they don't "meddle in other people's lives and gossip"?
It seems as though the GB are rattled about women. Maybe they are striking back at the ARC's recommendation that women be involved in the JC process. Or, more likely, they are simply scared of people who sit down when they pee