I visited Mike and Kim's website to get more information on what is happening with the alleged copyright violations that the WT is claiming against their youtube channel.
Something is fishy here. And by fishy...I am talking about the smell, not the present company.
This is what Mike and Kim say on their blog:
In Watchtower of Pennsylvania’s latest attempt to shut us down. gave us another copyright strike against the Anthony Morris in Helsinki talk. This is of course NOT a jw.org video, so we immediately filed a copyright counter-claim against their claim.
Not a jw.org video? Where is the copyright violation? On a public talk? Who made the video?
And then M&K say:
This is where it gets suspicious…We put Watchtower video clips in almost all of our videos. They could have just used the last 3 videos. Why did they go one from LAST YEAR entitled “Jehovah’s Witnesses Your Great Tribulation is Here”?
What was in that video that they had to shut us down with?
Exactly. Exactly this ^^^^
The Morris public talk was in Finland...that country that bumps up against Russia.
I would suggest that the content of the Morris talk is harmful to the JWs' claim to be peace loving people, etc. That talk does not help their cause with the ECHR. Look up the content - Morris is borderline psychotic in it.
Mike and Kim, I suggest to you that this is not to be taken personally- the WT isn't necessarily so much worried about you. They are worried about certain content being made public. You guys just happened to hit upon a public talk that now, in retrospect, the org realizes is hurting them in their attempt to appear all bright and shiny on the international stage of the human rights war.