Fisherman: Orphan Crow who doesn't even bother to read all of the posts on this thread before going on a rant with me,
You don't know this, fisherman. You have ass-u-med something that just isn't true. I read this entire thread and I watched every single minute of the loooong video that was at the core of the takedown notice.
I also read these (most of these...still reading them):
Gutenberg's Legacy: Copyright, Censorship, andReligious Pluralism by Thomas F. Cotter
In Search of (Maintaining) the Truth: The Use ofCopyright Law by Religious Organizations David A. Simon
And this article:
and this one:
So, are wrong. I don't comment unless I have done my background work. And on this issue, I have
same as she does in every thread with me before having to swallow her words then backing off.
I don't "back off"...I usually just don't have anything more to say to you.
So, fisherman, I am not "backing off". I am busy....those links have some good reading in them about copyright and how religions use copyright law for censorship