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jwvictims.org has another breaking news article out of canada: https://jwvictims.org/2017/10/02/breaking-news-66-million-class-action-suit-request-filed-against-jws-in-canada/.
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when does the number of memorial partakers get released for 2017. i was wondering if the number will surpass 20k.
Thx, Dp.
*psssst....nice image
when does the number of memorial partakers get released for 2017. i was wondering if the number will surpass 20k.
Darkspliver, can you please reference the source of the image you posted?
Where do those numbers come from?
when does the number of memorial partakers get released for 2017. i was wondering if the number will surpass 20k.
Could it be that the 'anointed' numbers are rising quite simply because the number of 'elite' conversions are rising?
It could be just that simple. The top end of the WTS' class system is growing. More elites so therefore more anointed. More special people. More JW elite. And, the JW elite class' babies are growing up and of course....that elite class has watched their mommy and daddy sip the wine and be the special ones so of course....like daddy and mommy, like baby....
I would like to see a country by country breakdown in anointed partakers too. Where are all those special elite JWs located? The ruling class, the special ones. Where are they? Who are they? I don't think that the elite class is growing simply because there are JWs out there with low mental functioning. In fact, I think it could be the exact opposite. The professional (wealthy) class is growing. It simply is what it is. No speculation needed
due to watchtower flagging the mike & kim videos on youtube for copyright, youtube is giving them 6 days before they are shutting down their entire youtube channel.
can you help with a mass downloading program and then reuploading them on a mirror ?
would hate to lose all those good videos!
jp1692: Very thought-provoking
Good. If you found those papers interesting, try to get your hands on this one (you might have to pay for it...copyright and all that, you know):
Disciplined Litigation, Vigilant Litigation, and Deformation: Dramatic Organization Change in Jehovah's Witnesses by Pauline Côté, James T. Richardson
When it comes to "The Law", things are not as black and white as some present it, or believe it, to be. Sometimes, dealing with legal issues is rather like punching a big grey rubber ball around and kicking it whenever you can. The "law" is not black and white and the JW organization is, as presented by Cote and Richardson in the above paper, a "legalistic" organization whose purpose and direction sways and changes as the law around it demands and allows.
It is a good read and it helps to put issues like this alleged copyright violation into a larger picture and allows us to better understand what is going on with the org's behavior.
due to watchtower flagging the mike & kim videos on youtube for copyright, youtube is giving them 6 days before they are shutting down their entire youtube channel.
can you help with a mass downloading program and then reuploading them on a mirror ?
would hate to lose all those good videos!
Fisherman: Orphan Crow who doesn't even bother to read all of the posts on this thread before going on a rant with me,
You don't know this, fisherman. You have ass-u-med something that just isn't true. I read this entire thread and I watched every single minute of the loooong video that was at the core of the takedown notice.
I also read these (most of these...still reading them):
Gutenberg's Legacy: Copyright, Censorship, andReligious Pluralism by Thomas F. Cotter
In Search of (Maintaining) the Truth: The Use ofCopyright Law by Religious Organizations David A. Simon
And this article:
and this one: https://www.forbes.com/sites/ericgoldman/2015/09/21/you-cant-buy-a-copyright-just-to-bury-it/#a350992b1189
So, Fisherman...you are wrong. I don't comment unless I have done my background work. And on this issue, I have
same as she does in every thread with me before having to swallow her words then backing off.
I don't "back off"...I usually just don't have anything more to say to you.
So, fisherman, I am not "backing off". I am busy....those links have some good reading in them about copyright and how religions use copyright law for censorship
due to watchtower flagging the mike & kim videos on youtube for copyright, youtube is giving them 6 days before they are shutting down their entire youtube channel.
can you help with a mass downloading program and then reuploading them on a mirror ?
would hate to lose all those good videos!
Stephane: The root problem is that the WT lies and deceives people and when they get caught, they tries any tool at their disposal, including the copyright stuff.
Exactly. The WT's actions concerning the alleged copyright violations are a clear example of how perverted the intellectual property laws have become over the last several decades, especially since digital transmission became possible.
Laws that were originally instituted to protect the lowly artist/author against the exploitation of the publishing industry and independent plagiarists, have now become flexible to the point that corporations like the WTS can use those laws to suppress information. The copyright 'laws' now are a tool of oppression that large corporate structures can use to wield against those with limited power.
The particular video that the WT has targeted - Anthony Morris speaking in Helsinki Finland in the summer of 2016. Why this talk? what did he say? What was happening in Finland and what has happened since?
First clue: the appeal of the ruling that made the Silver Sword an extremist piece of literature was being heard on September 21, 2017. M&K got a take down notice only days before that appeal hearing.
By the time that Morris was making his 2016 cameo appearance in Finland, the org already knew that their precious Silver Sword was at risk of being declared extremist. Morris mentions that governments are against them and that the regular/lowly JW didn't know about it. Well...a big shipment of literature had been blocked in July 2015 at the Finnish/Russian border.
Not only that, but there were some rumblings coming out of Finland concerning the noblood doctrine during the 2016 year: http://johanneksenpoika.fi/uutiset/arkisto/arkisto_k0759.html
Fisherman and JD (do I have the right ones here? they tag team sometimes and I can't keep up) would like to jump up and down and point fingers all the time shouting about "breaking the law!!!!" when they don't (or won't) acknowledge how the WT is using and misusing the law to oppress, misinform, hide, obfuscate, lie....well, you get the idea. The WTS is hypocritical. And those who support the WTS' misuse of copyright laws to try to suppress information are just as hypocritical and a large part of the problem to begin with.
due to watchtower flagging the mike & kim videos on youtube for copyright, youtube is giving them 6 days before they are shutting down their entire youtube channel.
can you help with a mass downloading program and then reuploading them on a mirror ?
would hate to lose all those good videos!
Watching the offending video now.
Yup. Now I get it. This is the talk where Morris talks about the boy child Joshua (suffering with leukemia). 1995 Awake magazine article.
I called Morris border line psychotic. I need to expand that - he just reads a scripted talk. The entire WTS is psychotic. Child martyrs for the noblood doctrine. Who in their right mind thinks that is okay????
Back to watching...this is a bit painful
due to watchtower flagging the mike & kim videos on youtube for copyright, youtube is giving them 6 days before they are shutting down their entire youtube channel.
can you help with a mass downloading program and then reuploading them on a mirror ?
would hate to lose all those good videos!
I visited Mike and Kim's website to get more information on what is happening with the alleged copyright violations that the WT is claiming against their youtube channel.
Something is fishy here. And by fishy...I am talking about the smell, not the present company.
This is what Mike and Kim say on their blog:
In Watchtower of Pennsylvania’s latest attempt to shut us down. gave us another copyright strike against the Anthony Morris in Helsinki talk. This is of course NOT a jw.org video, so we immediately filed a copyright counter-claim against their claim.
Not a jw.org video? Where is the copyright violation? On a public talk? Who made the video?
And then M&K say:
This is where it gets suspicious…We put Watchtower video clips in almost all of our videos. They could have just used the last 3 videos. Why did they go one from LAST YEAR entitled “Jehovah’s Witnesses Your Great Tribulation is Here”?
What was in that video that they had to shut us down with?
Exactly. Exactly this ^^^^
The Morris public talk was in Finland...that country that bumps up against Russia.
I would suggest that the content of the Morris talk is harmful to the JWs' claim to be peace loving people, etc. That talk does not help their cause with the ECHR. Look up the content - Morris is borderline psychotic in it.
Mike and Kim, I suggest to you that this is not to be taken personally- the WT isn't necessarily so much worried about you. They are worried about certain content being made public. You guys just happened to hit upon a public talk that now, in retrospect, the org realizes is hurting them in their attempt to appear all bright and shiny on the international stage of the human rights war.
i think everyone has the freedom to protest, they also have freedom of speech, these are two fundamental things that make america amazing.
but thinking rationally about what is going on with the nfl, therefore, i have an unfavorable opinion of the league, and the players, not their right to free speech, but their motive and execution of it.
constitutional freedom to protest ends at the workplace door too.
Has anyone brought up tRump's football failure from back in the 90s?
Sorry if this has already been posted...
Trump's failures - the glue that binds him to the common man's struggles. Feeding the illusion that the leader is one of the masses