Stephane: The root problem is that the WT lies and deceives people and when they get caught, they tries any tool at their disposal, including the copyright stuff.
Exactly. The WT's actions concerning the alleged copyright violations are a clear example of how perverted the intellectual property laws have become over the last several decades, especially since digital transmission became possible.
Laws that were originally instituted to protect the lowly artist/author against the exploitation of the publishing industry and independent plagiarists, have now become flexible to the point that corporations like the WTS can use those laws to suppress information. The copyright 'laws' now are a tool of oppression that large corporate structures can use to wield against those with limited power.
The particular video that the WT has targeted - Anthony Morris speaking in Helsinki Finland in the summer of 2016. Why this talk? what did he say? What was happening in Finland and what has happened since?
First clue: the appeal of the ruling that made the Silver Sword an extremist piece of literature was being heard on September 21, 2017. M&K got a take down notice only days before that appeal hearing.
By the time that Morris was making his 2016 cameo appearance in Finland, the org already knew that their precious Silver Sword was at risk of being declared extremist. Morris mentions that governments are against them and that the regular/lowly JW didn't know about it. Well...a big shipment of literature had been blocked in July 2015 at the Finnish/Russian border.
Not only that, but there were some rumblings coming out of Finland concerning the noblood doctrine during the 2016 year:
Fisherman and JD (do I have the right ones here? they tag team sometimes and I can't keep up) would like to jump up and down and point fingers all the time shouting about "breaking the law!!!!" when they don't (or won't) acknowledge how the WT is using and misusing the law to oppress, misinform, hide, obfuscate, lie....well, you get the idea. The WTS is hypocritical. And those who support the WTS' misuse of copyright laws to try to suppress information are just as hypocritical and a large part of the problem to begin with.