The Real Edward: I turn my attention to the animals that went onboard the Ark but are as yet undiscovered. During President Knorr's time the panda bear was discovered in a market place in China and eventually an American team tracked them down in the wild. After this the panda was added to the list of animals that Noah cared for.
And I turn my attention to your lack of attention to accuracy.
Westerners first encountered (not "discovered") the panda bear in 1869.
Knorr et all (and you) really need to get up to speed.
I believe the Sasqatch to be in this category. There is huge evidence of them living in the dense forests of North America.
And there is HUGE evidence that if you ever look a Sasquatch in the eyes that he will take you back into the parallel world that he lives in.
2+2: For me, it’s the humour that makes this site.
Me too. And to think that this is only Saturday. Usually it is Sunday morning that has the most chuckles