Yeah, I know, StillMS.
What Russia really, really needs is an American corporate theocratic organization to get 'em in line, right?
Oh, and who would that be??? Jehobah's organization?
That will work. Sure it will.
interesting development in russia... according to this article on youtube, it appears that children that are subjected to being involved in banned social or religious groups can be removed from their parents..
Yeah, I know, StillMS.
What Russia really, really needs is an American corporate theocratic organization to get 'em in line, right?
Oh, and who would that be??? Jehobah's organization?
That will work. Sure it will.
interesting development in russia... according to this article on youtube, it appears that children that are subjected to being involved in banned social or religious groups can be removed from their parents..
JeffT: just because it doesn't like how they think, or what they believe.
That is an understatement
The children could be removed because the parents were involved in illegal activity. Not any different than many countries. That happens in Canada and the States too.
Want to risk losing your children? Do illegal things.
In Russia, engaging in practices that define you as belonging to an extremist (banned) organization is simply an illegal act. THAT is what will get children taken away. Doing things that are illegal will risk your children being removed from your care.
i recall jw saying with some pride that former president of zimbabwe, mugabe's wife nicknamed "gucci" grace due her spending habits is a jw.
is this correct?.
It is possible that someone has mixed up Mugabe's wife with Nelson Mandela's first wife.
Mandela's first wife, Evelyn, was a Jehovah's Witness. (and, I think...Mandela's sister also was a JW)
i watched the new president taking his oath of office.
well done mr president!.
rather than me repeat his words i suggest you go google and look it up.
LoveUni: "Let bygones be bygones" said Emmerson Mnangagwa today as he was sworn in as the new Zim president.
He was referring, of course, to Robert Mugabe. Comrade Bob has been given immunity from prosecution as part of the deal for him to go.
I didn't interpret his comment in the same way you did.
I think he was referring to himself. Mnangagwa wants people to forgive and forget his role in Mugabe's atrocities
Let bygones be bygones? Yeah...he hopes so, for sure. Please forget is what he is saying and it has more to do with him that it does ol' Bob
interesting development in russia... according to this article on youtube, it appears that children that are subjected to being involved in banned social or religious groups can be removed from their parents..
CrazyGuy: I wonder if the Russians see the Muslim religion as radical?
Islam is not banned in Russia just the same as Christianity is not banned in Russia.
But, some Muslim sects, of course are seen as extremist.
Certain Muslim sects are considered to be extremist and adherents of those particular Muslim sects face arrest and imprisonment exactly the same as the JWs do.
Check out this website for more information:
just wondering.
when i was a witness, we had presiding overseer, and would say p-o for short.
do they spell it out when they say cobe or do they say it with as a word?
wildthing: So at one time, the head of the congregation was called the Congregation Servant...Next, he was called the Presiding Overseer.
What were they called before the title of Congregation Servant?
freddo: I think before Congregation Servant it was Company Servant as in Company of men (military term not corporate term).
Congregation Overseer (60s)
I think the "Company Servant" pre-dated that. That term likely dated back to the days of Joe's Army
*this post was prompted by a reddit thread:
so.. the org makes the claim that.
"anyone who reads our publications or views our videos can be confident that the facts were thoroughly researched and are accurate.".
darkspliver: But you haven't mention the letter that the US Information Agency wrote to the WT about it??
Oh gosh, no, darkspliver. What would be left for you to do if I did that?
But, then again...the OP was addressing the claim that the org always fact check first...but, who cares about that, right? Who cares that they claim to always have the truth?
Yup. They corrected it. Later. Just like the rest of the "world" did.
Not so special, after all, right?
*this post was prompted by a reddit thread:
so.. the org makes the claim that.
"anyone who reads our publications or views our videos can be confident that the facts were thoroughly researched and are accurate.".
*This post was prompted by a reddit thread:
The Org makes the claim that
"Anyone who reads our publications or views our videos can be confident that the facts were thoroughly researched and are accurate."
Let's test that claim.
This little snippet ran in the March 22nd, 1989 Awake magazine in the section Watching the World:
I recently read an article concerning Soviet KGB activities in the 1980s.
This is an excerpt from that article:
It is, however, possible to identify some causes of widespread anti-American indignation which were clearly of Soviet origin. Among them was the 'baby parts' fabrication which alleged that wealthy Americans were buying up and butchering Latin American children in order to use their bodies for organ transplants. The story was taken up by a Soviet front organization, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), and publicized extensively in the press of over fifty countries. Those taken in by the fabrication included groups as remote from the KGB as the Jehovah's Witnesses, who published the story in 1989 in their magazine Awake, which had a world-wide circulation of 11 million copies printed in fifty-four languages. In 1990 an American correspondent in Mexico noted that the 'baby parts' story was still current even in 'the respectable press'...
replace one word in a song title with the word 'elder/s'.. eg.
the elders are back in town' (boys).
smoke on the elder (water).
punk: topic deleted? If it was no one messaged me to say why. I don't seem able to locate it either
It was a funny thread. Entertaining and it didn't hurt anybody.
Somebody must have got their panties in a knot.
Eh. If every thread that offended someone somewhere got deleted, there wouldn't be a forum left.
Punky, I guess not everybody appreciates your British humor. The Brits and their potty humor! Lol!
zimbabwe has been under the rule of a dictator since 1980. robert mugabe, the president of zimbabwe, is notorious for his ruthless ways of dealing with the problems of a post-colonial country.
his land reforms resulted in much economic hardship for the people of zimbabwe and anyone who was a white farmer in zimbabwe suffered dire consequences as a result of mugabe's land grabs post-2000.
the atrocities against the people of zimbabwe have been documented by cathy buckle and i have personally heard of the violence against those opposed to mugawbe's policies.. some comments from a 2003 article about robert mugabe:.
*damn editing...picking up where I left off...*
A convention that was expecting 45,500 to 50,000 attendees had 50,000 stopped at the border and then, with the remaining ones who were scheduled to attend, there was, apparently, screening for Ebola done on them.
And...the full attendance turned out to be 82,500? Did it? When they were only prepared for less than 50 thou? turned 50, 000 away?...and yet still managed to accommodate over 80 thou.
Something doesn't add up. Something doesn't smell right.