smiddy3: Mnangagwa was an old crony of Mugabe and implicit in his crimes ,all of Mugabe`s mates still hold office so I don`t see anything is really going to change in Zimbabwe and when the people realise that then what will happen .?
When will the people realize that?
I would say right
Zimbabwe: Robert Mugabe to get $10m payoff and immunity for his family
Robert Mugabe and his wife will receive a “golden handshake” worth many millions of dollars as part of a deal negotiated before the resignation of the ageing autocrat last week. The exact sums to be paid to the former president and his wife Grace are still unclear, though one senior ruling party official with direct knowledge of the agreement said the total would not be less than $10m.
The official said that Mugabe, who has been granted immunity from prosecution and a guarantee that no action will be taken against his family’s extensive business interests, would receive a “cash payment of $5m” immediately, with more paid in coming months.
The 93-year-old’s $150,000 salary will also be paid until his death. The 52-year-old first lady, reviled for her extravagance and greed, will then receive half that amount for the rest of her life.
Mugabe’s 37-year rule left Zimbabwe with a worthless currency, massive debts, an impoverished population and an estimated unemployment rate of more than 80%. Roads are rutted, many rural communities have no electricity, education is basic and healthcare almost non-existent. A life expectancy of 60 is one of the lowest in the world.
The first couple will be able to remain in their sprawling mansion known as the Blue Roof, in Harare. The state will pay for their medical care, domestic staff, security and foreign travel.
read more at link
Well, it is appearing like those JWs who are reported to be working for Mugabe will be fine. They shouldn't lose their jobs after Papa Bob's golden handshake.