Careful: Sour Grapes, where in the world did you get this?
At the end of the first century, there were over 1,000,000 Christians.
I asked the same question to myself, Careful. Sour Grapes answered with this:
"According to the World Christian Encyclopedia (1982), it is estimated
that by A.D. 100 there were 1 million Christians in the Roman Empire
out of a population of 181 million. This means that by the end of the
first century less than 1 percent of the population (0.6% to be exact)
was Christian."
However, I was still skeptical so I did some more digging. I had found the same quote as Sour Grapes but I do know that going to the subject itself as the source for answering questions about that subject will rarely get a person the correct answer. So I looked some more. And I found this:
How many Jews became Christians in the First Century?: The failure of the Christian mission to Convert the Jews
In order to answer that question (how many Jews converted?), the author of the above essay (David C Sim) analyzes estimations of how many Christians were around in the first century in order to arrive at how many Jews would have converted. This is what he says about the number of 1st C Christians:
Most scholars of Christian origins tend to exaggerate the size and importance of the
early Christian church. This is understandable in the light of the discipline’s
intense concentration on the New Testament texts. By confining ourselves in
particular to the letters of Paul, the Gospels and Acts, it is all too easy to create
a limited and false impression of the ancient world and the place of the
Christians within it. Yet the reality is that for all of the first century the Christians
were a tiny and insignificant socio-religious movement within the Graeco-Roman
world (Hopkins 1998:195-196). Christianity did of course grow considerably in
later centuries and it eventually became the religion of the Roman empire, but
we should take care not to retroject its later size and importance into the initial
decades of its existence.
Just how small was the Christian movement in the first century is clear
from the calculations of the sociologist R Stark (1996:5-7; so too Hopkins
1998:192-193). Stark begins his analysis with a rough estimation of six million
Christians in the Roman Empire (or about ten percent of the total population) at
the start of the fourth century. He then argues, on the assumption of 1 000
Christians in the year 40 that this figure could have been reached through a
natural and consistent growth of 40 per cent per decade. What makes this a
feasible rate of growth is that it compares very favourably with the expansion of
the Mormon Church in more recent times, which has grown at a rate of 43 per
cent per decade. This method of calculating total Christian numbers in the first
century renders the following approximate results. There were 1,000 Christians
in the year 40, 1 400 Christians in 50, 1 960 Christians in 60, 2 744 Christians in
70, 3 842 Christians in 80, 5 378 Christians in 90 and 7 530 Christians at the
end of the first century.
Sims, based on the calculations of sociologist R. Stark, proposes that there were only 7,530 Christians at the end of the first century. That is significantly less than what the Christians claim. Which isn't at all surprising considering that Christians have a tendency to use hyperbole in order to amplify their own importance.