Yes I am.
Rutherford spent a lot of time in Germany in the years leading up to his reorganization of the WTS in 1931. Germany was the testing ground for all his changes. And besides, the lawyers for the German WTS were members of the Nazi party.
i am looking for the book the harp of god.
i am told it has some crazy passages in it.
can anyone put up some quotes of the book?
Yes I am.
Rutherford spent a lot of time in Germany in the years leading up to his reorganization of the WTS in 1931. Germany was the testing ground for all his changes. And besides, the lawyers for the German WTS were members of the Nazi party.
i am looking for the book the harp of god.
i am told it has some crazy passages in it.
can anyone put up some quotes of the book?
Sbf: some JW critics have suggested that JWs abandoned Zionism to appease the Nazis. But the chronology doesn't support this. Rutherford rejected Zionism before the Nazis came to power.
Hitler wrote Mein kauf 1925. Widely read by everyone who was anyone in a position of power
And Coca Cola
for almost 12 years now, i have been coming to this site on a regular basis and in the last 5, i “faded out”.
i never regretted this and never will.
unfortunately though, yesterday, i realized that, until i can publically tell all my old acquaintances why i have left, i will never be truly free.
Take care Stephane. It has been a privilege and pleasure to have been a part of your journey
May you have happy trails ahead
Keep smiling!
i am looking for the book the harp of god.
i am told it has some crazy passages in it.
can anyone put up some quotes of the book?
You are welcome Wakanda
Another site that might interest you is jwwayback
Just do a search for that and it should pop up
Lots of goodies there
i am looking for the book the harp of god.
i am told it has some crazy passages in it.
can anyone put up some quotes of the book?
I think you can find it on
quite frankly im disturbed at the lack of love and compassion.
especially for the first sister they talk about!.
Sourgrapes: I wonder why they had two elders admit that they did not read the lengthy letter from mother?
To emphasize the "imperfect men" mantra
quite frankly im disturbed at the lack of love and compassion.
especially for the first sister they talk about!.
Or Coca Cola
quite frankly im disturbed at the lack of love and compassion.
especially for the first sister they talk about!.
I smell fish
Look up "volunteer grants"
Minimum hours required to qualify for corporate grants
I wonder where the org has money coming in from for matching volunteer hours
i know this sounds very outlandish by the title but hear this one out:.
a few months back i spoke to an old friend of mine raised "around the truth", but never baptized and wanting nothing to do with the wt.
he is very hip to what is going on in the wt however.
zeb: I would like to know the reason behind getting poor individual r&f to site their own details in the letters
The purpose, apparently, for requesting individual personal details was because Russia has a law that states that any Official that works for the Russian government must answer correspondence addressed to them but only if that correspondence has the personal details attached to the letter
The anticipation was that each and every letter sent would have to be answered individually. Which, of course, is so ludicrous int this context as to be laughable. There were JWs over on jwtalk that were gleefully making sure they sent as many letters as possible so that the Russian officials would have nothing else to do but deal with the mountains and mountains of letters and saying that if Putin didn't answer them that he would be breaking Russian law
The OP's concerns are valid. The org knew that a campaign could be considered a DOS action because they had already got into trouble over a similar action in Russia. If my memory serves me correctly (I can't seem to pull up anything because the internet is flooded with story after story after story concerning the letter writing fiasco), the org was told specifically that they couldn't send emails because of an email campaign that the org launched inside Russia prior to another event that happened there. I will keep looking for the documentation on that, but I seem to remember that the Russian JWs had tread very closely to being charged with DOS in the recent past over their emails flooding official offices and that it why the GB changed their tactics and went for the letter writing campaign instead of an email campaign - they had already been warned
The GB knew exactly what they were doing
last year i had a brother tell me that one proof evolution is false is that he doesn't see it happening today... i was going to bring of viruses evolving so fast that new vaccines must be developed each year but felt he was too closed minded to receive it.
today i was listening to the audio book of 'an ancestors tale- richard dawkins' and noted oe point that shined through.. here is evolution happening>>>.