Inferences will get you into all sorts of trouble, Slim.
Yes I said that. And I inferred that the "true rich believers" were the ones from developed, Western countries. It was only after I proposed that scenario that I spoke about 3rd world countries.
It is the perfect 21st C religion - based on a model of colonialism. Keep all the loyal ones in developed countries who will donate lot$ of money to keep their charitable contribution level to a taxed out maximum. What the charitable drive is for is those 3rd world countries that I mentioned. Easy peasy - get rid of excess baggage and dead weight in the Western world, keep them uninformed about what is really going on with the org's financial health and what is happening globally, get rid of dead weight real estate, disfellowship the rabble rousers, and go mainly to an online charity type model. And sit on all the cash they have already.
And...stay active in all those countries that are well-poised for pushing patient blood management. And those countries are ideal for dumping off all the literature that the org still prints by engaging in literacy programs.
Does the org need to grow? Not really - it only needs to grow on the top end to be successful. Why do you think the anointed number has been rising? Sure, there are those 'anointed' peons who are deluded into thinking that they are special, but what about if there is a growing "top class" membership? What if the sipping of the wine goes along with the growth of the upper $lice?
Is it a master plan? Who knows? it doesn't really matter. But we do know that the org has made some major changes in the past decade or so that has resulted in what we see now.