Morph: But nobody has voiced that. Its literally been concerns over “data breeches” and one truly insanly remark about killing those who claim to be anointed. Its beyond paranoid. I lack words to describe how utterly stupid some of this is.... again, i want to be clear, its worth discussing the implications
No, they haven't voiced it. Most of them don't even know why it makes them feel vulnerable. Deep seated and deeply held fears manifest themselves in all sorts of nutty behavior and responses that do seem stupid.
Of course it is stupid - it has been bred into them. Distrust, ramped up fear and paranoia of anyone and anything that isn't part of their insular world is part and parcel of being a JW. It is what their cult is built on.
It isn't as though the JW mantra encourages rational thought and behavior, after all. Irrationality breeds irrationality