That is a ridiculous conclusion
does anyone else think it’s weird and controlling the organization says if your mate commits adultry, and then you have sex with them, you are not free to remarry again, since this means you forgave them.
the bible never mentions anything about this.
it’s so weird they have a say about what goes on behind closed doors of two people who are still legally married.
That is a ridiculous conclusion
it is a common misconception that a jw baby who requires a blood transfusion will get one through a court order.
this does not always happen.. the following study demonstrates how a jw baby is vulnerable to being used for experimental procedures.. sn-mesoporphyrin interdiction of severe hyperbilirubinemia in jehovah's witness newborns as an alternative to exchange transfusion.. the condition that these two jw babies had was hyperbilirubinemia (jaundice).
in both cases, the parents refused to give permission for their babies to receive an exchange transfusion after the standard treatment of phototherapy didn't work.
It is a common misconception that a JW baby who requires a blood transfusion will get one through a court order. This does not always happen.
The following study demonstrates how a JW baby is vulnerable to being used for experimental procedures.
The condition that these two JW babies had was hyperbilirubinemia (jaundice). In both cases, the parents refused to give permission for their babies to receive an exchange transfusion after the standard treatment of phototherapy didn't work. In both cases, the hospitals were prepared to seek court orders to give the babies the transfusions when intervention (presumably from the HLC) facilitated the experimental use of a drug that had been being used as a preventive drug for jaundice or used in conjunction with photo therapy. To use this drug instead of an exchange transfusion was beyond what the drug had been used for up until the time that the HLC arranged for it to be used that way for these two JW babies.
From the abstract:
CASE 1: This patient was a preterm male infant (gestational age: 35 5/7 weeks; birth weight: 2790 g) whose plasma bilirubin concentration (PBC) at 1 hour after birth was 5.0 mg/dL. Despite intensive phototherapy with 3 banks of lights and 1 biliblanket, the PBC increased steadily with no diminution in the rate of increase for 75 hours. In view of the problems of immune hemolysis, and prematurity, and the inability of phototherapy to stop progression of hyperbilirubinemia, a decision to carry out an exchange transfusion was made; the decision was, however, rejected by the Jehovah's Witness parents. Pending legal action to compel use of the procedure, a request to this (Rockefeller) laboratory for SnMP was made; its use was approved by the Food and Drug Administration; and the inhibitor was delivered to the physician-in-charge (D.P.M.) in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The single dose of SnMP was administered to the infant at 75 hours after birth; the course of hyperbilirubinemia before and after the use of the inhibitor is shown in Fig 1. [figure: see text].
CASE 2: This female term infant (gestational age: 38-39 weeks; birth weight: 4140 g) with immune hemolysis was delivered by cesarean section and because of problems related to meconium aspiration required helicopter transfer to the Special Care Nursery in Abilene, Texas, where 10 hours after birth the first PBC was determined to be 18.0 mg/dL. Double-bank phototherapy plus a biliblanket was initiated; a third bank of lights was later ordered. The PBC fluctuated in the ensuing 2 days between 13.8 to 25.8 mg/dL during which suggestive clinical signs of possible bilirubin encephalopathy became manifest. In view of the clinical circumstances and the continued severe hyperbilirubinemia, permission for a double-exchange transfusion was requested. The parents, who were Jehovah's Witness adherents, refused the procedure. While preparing legal action to compel use of the exchange, a request was made to this (Rockefeller) laboratory for use of SnMP to attempt control of hyperbilirubinemia. With FDA approval, the SnMP was delivered to the attending neonatologist (J. R. M.) in Abilene and administered in a single dose (6 micromol/kg birth weight) at 56 hours after birth when the PBC was 19.5 mg/dL. The course of bilirubinemia before and after SnMP use is shown in Fig 2. [figure: see text].
The above article/study was published in Dec 2001 (the treatment likely occurred in 2000).
InfaCare Pharmaceutical Corporation was founded in 2001.
InfaCare Pharmaceutical Corporation engages in the development and commercialization of pharmaceuticals for the neonatal and pediatric patient population. It offers Stanate, a heme oxygenase inhibitor for the treatment of infantile jaundice or hyperbilirubinemia. The company was founded in 2001 and is based in Trevose, Pennsylvania. As of September 25, 2017, InfaCare Pharmaceutical Corporation operates as a subsidiary of Mallinckrodt Public Limited Company.
Infacare filed for a clinical trial in 2003:
Brief Summary:
The purpose of this protocol is to make Stanate (TM) [stannsoporfin, tin-mesoporphyrin] available to infants who meet the following criteria:
the infant has a very high level of bilirubin without an adequate clinical response to phototherapy;
the infant requires an exchange transfusion; and
the family refuses to allow the administration of blood products, particularly on religious grounds, such as within the Jehovah's Witness community.
And that is why JW babies are valuable to the pharmaceutical industry. JW babies become tiny little guinea pigs, their treatment being controlled and arranged for by the WT/org's Hospital Liaison squad.
does anyone else think it’s weird and controlling the organization says if your mate commits adultry, and then you have sex with them, you are not free to remarry again, since this means you forgave them.
the bible never mentions anything about this.
it’s so weird they have a say about what goes on behind closed doors of two people who are still legally married.
You sound like an adolescent predatory male
does anyone else think it’s weird and controlling the organization says if your mate commits adultry, and then you have sex with them, you are not free to remarry again, since this means you forgave them.
the bible never mentions anything about this.
it’s so weird they have a say about what goes on behind closed doors of two people who are still legally married.
Addison, I think you are the weird one
You come on here and start three threads about sex, claiming to be a 20s female, yet you use language I have never heard a recently out JW use. Especially a JW woman. And you claim that "...and then I read the elders manual" even though you were still "in".
I call BS.
JW women who are "in" do not just casually say that they read the elders manual - they can't even touch the damn thing and most JWs, especially a horny 20 year old "girl", don't even know that it exists
I think you are fabricating stories for attention and to satisfy some sort of weird sexual obsession. You have never responded to anybody that has taken the time out to reply to your sexual stories, you just start another one
Pretending to be a young woman talking about sex must give you kicks
so 9 months before i started pioneering, i had a hot and heavy moment with this player witness who was just trying to string me along and talked to a lot of different girls.
we made out and he grabbed my goodies a few times you know the regular stuff all teens do at least once.
anyways i never saw him again because when i refused to send him nudes he dropped me.
addison: And then I read the elders manual...
You had access to the elders manual? While you were "in"? Where did you find that? How did you manage to get your hands on a copy? You are a female and you touched the sacred book?
### here's a link to a high-quality version of the above form: https://1drv.ms/u/s!amcrvjcxi6m6a2mdhysjdll3m00 ###.
the attached image is the rear of form a-27; this is just example of many forms that contain personal data.
i’d like to know: should i be worried?.
Morph: But nobody has voiced that. Its literally been concerns over “data breeches” and one truly insanly remark about killing those who claim to be anointed. Its beyond paranoid. I lack words to describe how utterly stupid some of this is.... again, i want to be clear, its worth discussing the implications
No, they haven't voiced it. Most of them don't even know why it makes them feel vulnerable. Deep seated and deeply held fears manifest themselves in all sorts of nutty behavior and responses that do seem stupid.
Of course it is stupid - it has been bred into them. Distrust, ramped up fear and paranoia of anyone and anything that isn't part of their insular world is part and parcel of being a JW. It is what their cult is built on.
It isn't as though the JW mantra encourages rational thought and behavior, after all. Irrationality breeds irrationality
### here's a link to a high-quality version of the above form: https://1drv.ms/u/s!amcrvjcxi6m6a2mdhysjdll3m00 ###.
the attached image is the rear of form a-27; this is just example of many forms that contain personal data.
i’d like to know: should i be worried?.
Morph: Its not private. Its not confidential. Its nothing.
Yes, pretty much all that information is far from private. It is really, really difficult to stay under the radar in today's world. If someone wants that information, most of it is accessible somewhere.*
I am thinking that the paranoia that people are feeling over this isn't so much those issues - what could be the concern is that this information identifies them as Jehovah's Witnesses. They don't want other people/institutions or the government knowing that they are JWs.
Being officially identified as a Jehovah's Witness makes them feel vulnerable. They have pictures of bunkers in their brains.
It isn't just that they don't trust the WT/org. They distrust everybody else.
*edit to add - what I have found is that is has become increasing difficult to connect actual people with their JW affiliation. It used to be easy. There are individuals who are fairly prominent in certain industries/careers who have learned to guard their JW identity
greetings, fellow word lovers:.
please add your favorite, clever smithing of words.. ****************************.
time flies like an arrow and fruit flies like a banana..
Well. I learned a new word today.
I found it when I was looking up the origin of the often used saying "...a blind man said "I see" to the deaf man..." or something like that.
Wellerism \WEH-luh-rih-zum\ noun
: an expression of comparison comprising a usually well-known quotation followed by a facetious sequel.
Example sentence:
Forgetful (but witty) Aunt Lynn's favorite Wellerism is, "'It all comes back to me now', said the Captain as he spat into the wind."
Did you know?
Sam Weller, Mr. Pickwick's good-natured servant in Charles Dickens' _The Pickwick Papers_, and his father were fond of following well-known sayings or phrases with humorous or punning conclusions. For example, in one incident in the book, Sam Weller quips, "What the devil do you want with me, as the man said, w[h]en he see the ghost?" Neither Charles Dickens nor Sam Weller invented that type of word play, but Weller's tendency to use such witticisms had provoked people to start calling them "Wellerisms" by 1839, soon after the publication of the novel. Some examples of common Wellerisms are "'Every one to his own taste,' said the old woman as she kissed the cow," and "'I see,' said the blind man."
And some more about wellerism:
I think my favorite is this one:
“It won’t be long now,” said the monkey when he backed into the electric fan.
i remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
Oh! Oh!
Demon stories
My brother is full of them. I grew up with his demon experiences.
When he moved out of home and rented his own place, his furnished apartment had *gasp!* a crucifix hanging on the wall. Oh my oh my. My bro started getting thrown out of bed at night, the demons started whispering and *gasp!* bro couldn't pull the cross off the wall! It was stuck there!
So, bro called the local JW exorcist - the boss elder - and he went over and prayed to Jehovah with bro. Which unstuck the cross from the wall. But *gasp!*, when they took it outside and put it in the burning barrel, *gasp!*, IT WOULDN'T BURN!!!! More prayers followed and the crucifix was reduced to ash...dust to dust, apparently.
Oh, I could go on for ages...about the chicken NAILED! to the road in front of bro's driveway. And the time that I was visiting and he claimed later that I made the furniture fly around the room with the help of the demons.
Gasp! Demons!
oiwhen a jw is in a life threatening anemia situation or needs a coronary artery bypass in case of dialysis-dependent chronic renal failure there is bloodless solution: .
epo ....this stands for "erythropoietin" also par in "epoetin" "epogen" and replaces the lost blood seemingly.
it counts to the allowed bloodless therapies.. what was jehovahs part in it?
Wonder: Amgen is supporting innovative technique like patient blood management research and information initiatives therefore it sponsors also presumably unknowingly associations that engage sometimes a JW speaker who promotes bloodless medicine.
Good post, Wonder.
I wouldn't call it "unkowingly" associations, though. Not at all.
Check out the authors of this study that was funded by Amgen:
Shannon Farmer - a Jehovah's Witness
Axel Hofmann - a Jehovah's Witness
Sherri Ozawa - a Jehovah's Witness
And of course - Aryeh Shander, the WT's bloodless hero, a "cooperative doctor" and WT "expert" on all things bloodless.
The other two I don't know much about - the names and faces shift rapidly around a core group of JWs and their associates who sit on the top of the bloodless pile.