Poopie: What are the reasons for the the new electronic publisher card?
Please speculate
Morph: Oh you dont have to invite speculation, thats coming
Haha! I will join the speculation.
Having electronic records will no doubt be for various reasons and the most obvious one is that we live in a digital world
However, I have said this before and I will say it again... money/tax is one of the motivators
The org is notorious for implementing structure and behavioral changes globally
when it is necessary to comply with one or more country's regulations concerning tax and money matters.
The org has been bragging about how they gained "public law status" in Germany. What this means is that the org must give the German tax office a membership list so that each and every member can be assessed for the amount of tax they owe to their church. This membership list is also tied into the banking system so that any capital gains that a church member has can be properly taxed and the bank turns over that tax amount to the appropriate church.
Being a "public law status" church, in Germany, means that having a membership list is mandatory. Support for the church's activities must come from member taxation and/or donations.