You might find this interesting:
The Gracious Gods and the Royal Ideology of Ugarit
In this dissertation, Dr. Foley argues for the "gracious gods" in the Ugarit text as being a royal apologia.
according to these sources (city of ancient ugaritic tablets found in 1928) , elyon divided up all the nations into seventy nations, one for each of his sons (elim) .
sons of god makes the most sense than the sons of israel-deut.
32:8 especially since there was no nation of israel listed in the table of nations.
You might find this interesting:
The Gracious Gods and the Royal Ideology of Ugarit
In this dissertation, Dr. Foley argues for the "gracious gods" in the Ugarit text as being a royal apologia.
i guess the gb's idea of writing to the russian government last year didn't help?
now they have their names and addresses in which to raid their homes.. i sometimes wonder if the gb knew this would happen and wanted it to happen to ensure they'd be persecuted thus creating their own fulfillment of prophecy..
dubstepped: Wait, did they have even the Russian brothers write to the government? Please tell me they weren't that stupid.
That had already happened before the org had their global letter writing campaign.
I can't remember the year they did it but the Russian JWs had their own letter writing campaign in the years leading up to the Supreme Court hearing. It was during that earlier Russian campaign that the Kremlin got flooded with emails and the org was warned not to spam the government with emails so they resorted to the letter writing campaign.
i guess the gb's idea of writing to the russian government last year didn't help?
now they have their names and addresses in which to raid their homes.. i sometimes wonder if the gb knew this would happen and wanted it to happen to ensure they'd be persecuted thus creating their own fulfillment of prophecy..
2017 wtbts financial statement ireland!.
Shepherdess: Looks like the accounts for Ireland would be quite healthy, if they weren't sending all that money to the branch in Germany.
Are the JWs in Ireland helping to pay the church tax for German JWs?
wt back to 1950, aw back to 1970, like the cd rom library... .
Could this have anything to do with their recent copyright claims and attempts to block certain website(s)?
Would the org have to provide historical documents for research purposes to bolster their copyright claims? And if they don't, would it allow for others to make them available?
i love watching the jw cart crashers on youtube and how the zombie, brain dead, we are so much better than you jdubs react.
when they do talk a little about the two witness rule they will mention the need for proof and the testimony of the poor child is just not enough to take the inquiry any further.. the reason for calling the police is immediately is that dna can be gathered from the poor victim.
this evidence is the second witness used for prosecution.
carla: Another reason I think the wt does not allow jw children to join things is because volunteer clubs (girls & boy scouts, etc..) are required by law to report any suspected abuses. You don't need proof, just that you suspect something is terribly wrong in a family. If jw children are kept in their jw bubble then nobody from the outside can look in.
The insular bubble that JW children are inside is so harmful. On the one hand, parents have this distorted belief that they are protecting their children by keeping them inside that bubble and yet who protects the children from them? And from others inside that "trusted" bubble?
how could a jw child go to anyone in authority? it would take incredible courage on that childs part.
JW children are taught (and expected) to resist authority. They are taught that they have to stand firm against the educational establishment which is usually the only form of outside authority that a child has to deal with. A JW child is taught that it is their responsibility to "give a good witness" to their teachers and others in authority.
That bubble is really hard for a child to break.
i love watching the jw cart crashers on youtube and how the zombie, brain dead, we are so much better than you jdubs react.
when they do talk a little about the two witness rule they will mention the need for proof and the testimony of the poor child is just not enough to take the inquiry any further.. the reason for calling the police is immediately is that dna can be gathered from the poor victim.
this evidence is the second witness used for prosecution.
tiki: Parental education and awareness is vital.
You are right about that, Tiki.
However, that does not address the problem when the abuse is occurring within the family. Parents are often the abusers. And, if it is the father that is the abuser, the mother has so little power that nothing is or can be done.
Educating parents about child sex abuse can often end up being education on how to avoid detection.
Which leads me to the next point: Educating the public about the child sex abuse that is rampant within the JWs actually advertises to predators that the JW religion is a safe place for them. It becomes a two-edged sword.
Poopie: What are the reasons for the the new electronic publisher card?
Please speculateMorph: Oh you dont have to invite speculation, thats coming
Haha! I will join the speculation.
Having electronic records will no doubt be for various reasons and the most obvious one is that we live in a digital world
However, I have said this before and I will say it again... money/tax is one of the motivators
The org is notorious for implementing structure and behavioral changes globally
when it is necessary to comply with one or more country's regulations concerning tax and money matters.
The org has been bragging about how they gained "public law status" in Germany. What this means is that the org must give the German tax office a membership list so that each and every member can be assessed for the amount of tax they owe to their church. This membership list is also tied into the banking system so that any capital gains that a church member has can be properly taxed and the bank turns over that tax amount to the appropriate church.
Being a "public law status" church, in Germany, means that having a membership list is mandatory. Support for the church's activities must come from member taxation and/or donations.
this may be important to somebody who reads this.
saskatchewan survivors of sexual violence can now access two hours of free advice from a lawyer.
Oh wow.
That post didn't turn out at all like I had made it
Sorry...I tried to post a part of the article and a photo of somebody showed up instead
The program is open to anyone who has experienced incidents like sexual assault, exploitation and harassment as well as historical sexual abuse.
A police report isn't required, nor are there age or gender restrictions. However, the sexual violence had to have happened in Saskatchewan.
this may be important to somebody who reads this.
saskatchewan survivors of sexual violence can now access two hours of free advice from a lawyer.
This may be important to somebody who reads this
Saskatchewan survivors of sexual violence can now access two hours of free advice from a lawyer.
Read full article at link