DoC: I do think they are hiding money out of the US as best they can to avoid it going to attorneys
Or being included in the assessments that they are providing to the courts to be evaluated for how much victims receive for the org's negligence.
Does anyone else think that the amount the org submitted to the Montana court was a bit low? And was only for the US branch/headquarters?
We know that the org has assets tucked away in shell companies. Remember Valley Farms?
And really, how convenient that the org's "collapse" includes getting rid of those cumbersome property assets. Money is so much easier to deal with - send that cash on a trip around the world and watch the "asset" line on those court documents drop down.
The org has been hearing the devil's footsteps for some time. They are willing to sacrifice anybody and everybody to protect their asses/assets. They really could care less if the attendance drops and KHs are sold - a good justification for telling the courts - "we have no money to pay the victims" - and so much easier to handle. True believer$ only.