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There are some videos featuring Arendt but I don't know what they cover. I like reading
i have never understood anti-semitism .why sooo much hatred?.
2+2, YouTube is your friend
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There are some videos featuring Arendt but I don't know what they cover. I like reading
i have never understood anti-semitism .why sooo much hatred?.
A book recommendation for serious readers who want a better understanding of anti-Semitism.
The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951), by Hannah Arendt
The book describes the various preconditions and subsequent rise of anti-Semitism in central, eastern, and western Europe in the early-to-mid 19th century; then examines the New Imperialism, from 1884 to the start of the First World War (1914–18); then traces the emergence of racism as an ideology, and its modern application as an “ideological weapon for imperialism”, by the Boers during the Great Trek (1830s–40s) in the early 19th century. The book has three sections: Antisemitism, Imperialism, and Totalitarianism.
“the christian witnesses of jehovah are the best oriented, happiest and most contended group of people on the face of the earth.
so why on earth would any good follower need the help of a mental health professional?” the society tells about the evils of seeking help from outside their organization.
"as a rule, for a christian to go to a worldly psychiatrist is an admission of defeat.
Empty inside: They now mention briefly that some may need to seek professional help
Which means that they can accomodate professionals that have JW credentials. Most JWs that get counseling get it from JW counsellors
i know we cannot answer this, how many are physically in, mentally out (pimo), but i heard an amazing piece of news the other day.. an ex-p.o and ex-elder, a long time regular pioneer, and when i knew him a stalwart believer, went for a drink with another jw who has actually left, but is not df or anything.. in the course of conversation he came out with this bombshell "well, i am actually an atheist now, i just go along to keep my wife happy".. i also heard of a number of youngsters that i know personally who are simply living their life as they want, whilst making sure they don't get df'd for family and social reasons.. if as it seems the pimo's are a huge number, could there be a huge " awakening" where they all realize they are in a huge group, and they all say " eff it, lets call it a day on all the jw s**t ".
wishful thinking, but.....just possible ?.
DoubtingBrother: Still, I think there are more POMI than PIMO. The cult programming is strong.
I agree. I am surpised at the number of people I have met during the ordinary course of my life that used to be JWs. So many and in so many unexpected circumstances and places.
I have met many, many exJWs who have never deprogrammed. I used to be surprised about it, but now I accept it as the norm. In spite of the internet making exJWs more visible, there are so many who never make it to these discussion boards and who never are able to escape that programming.
My mother held onto the beliefs for decades after she was disfellowshipped and only recently has let some of her programming go. She weaves her own spiritual narrative now but it is loaded with JW thinking patterns and JW doctrinal details. And so too have been several exJWs that I have encountered over the years. Hell, I have spent a lifetime doubling checking my own thinking patterns once I realized the effect cult programming had on my life and how I viewed the world.
I find it interesting how so many people self-identify as PIMO when there is a very wide spectrum on what "mentally out" means. A toenail out? an arm and a leg out? part of the brain out? or the whole brain? It's a really long journey to find "out". I suspect that the majority of PIMO and POMO equate "out" with a simple rejection of the WT/org's authority. Total deprogramming takes a lot of work. And a lot of time too.
I would never have been able to do that - still attend meetings and pretend a belief I didn't hold. I don't have that skill. Good luck to all who do it. Kudos to you
surprisingly this category of "no to blood transfusions" and if you do have one you will be df if you are a baptized jw and shunned by all of your friends and family in the religion indefinitely .. and even if you are not baptized yet you will still be marked as a person who has violated gods commands and you will still be ostracized from your family and friends for who knows how long.. then their is the pressure from family and "friends" encouraging the child to refuse a transfusion and be loyal to jehovah and if the worst did happen and they died they would be assured of a resurrection into their new world paradise.. coupled with all of that is the jw liasion committee that involves themselves in such cases putting added pressure on the young child not to give in his resolve to refuse blood because he would be letting down his god his parents/ family and all of his friends at the kingdom hall who expect him / her to remain faithful.. what a tremendous load of pressure that is to put on a child.loss of family friends and support at such a young age.. no wonder he/she would feel compelled to refuse a blood transfusion with all of this hanging over their head in their vulnerable state and at such a young age.. and then their is the awake magazine that shows all of these children who put god first and died for refusing to take a blood transfusion at the direction of the wtb&ts / jehovah`s witness religion and held up as martyrs for doing so.. if that`s not child abuse at its worst then i don`t know what is.. the jw/wt religion should be taken to court and charged over this abuse of children .. child abuse that leads to the death of a child..
Giordano: Hard to know because the WTBTS does not want to know the number.
Let me fix that for you...the WTBTS does not want you to know the number. I think "they" are more than aware as to what that number is.
The Society can tell us how many publishers they have, how many hours in service, return visits, bible studies they conduct, the number of pioneers. baptisms and kingdom halls. The number of past publications that are on the banned list, but not how many HLC visits are made and what the health outcome was.
You are right. The numbers they publish are the ones they need to publish in order to pretend they are a legitimate religion. They say very little about the actual machinations of their extensive "hospital network". Nothing published about how many hours are devoted to proselytizing to the medical community by utilizing their "special pioneers" - the HLC.
The WT/org has developed a shadow cult that operates behind the scenes of their public cult: the NoBlood Cult. And that cult, the bloodless cult, has been carefully nurtured and includes many medical professionals that are not followers of the JW religion - they just follow the false promises and false hope of the WT/org's bloodless propaganda machine.
What I find irksome about the org's bloodless cult is that they have intentionally and openly lobbied the medical establishment in order to legitimize the religious beliefs of fanatical blood phobics. A religion or charity cannot lobby for political reasons yet they org has been allowed to lobby the legal professions and the medical professions for decades.
And not only that, the "blood management societies" that promote the noblood cult have been founded by and promoted by JWs themselves. To the point that an entire country's blood management program was implemented by JWs (Australia). We now have JWs setting blood standards for people who would never have anything to do with the JWs' ridiculous noblood beliefs.
Another thing that irks me is how the WT/org has got away with transgressing the most basic ethical rule around medical experimentation. They have given the JWs a rare blood disorder. They have made up a medical condition that is purely based upon religious fanaticism. And from that, the JWs have become a group of people who are ripe pickings for medical experiments.
The org jumps up and down and makes a fuss about medical ethics, about how a patient has the right to chose - but there is no choice - the org has made the choice for them. The org has violated the most basic medical ethic there is by giving the JWs a disorder they wouldn't have otherwise.
surprisingly this category of "no to blood transfusions" and if you do have one you will be df if you are a baptized jw and shunned by all of your friends and family in the religion indefinitely .. and even if you are not baptized yet you will still be marked as a person who has violated gods commands and you will still be ostracized from your family and friends for who knows how long.. then their is the pressure from family and "friends" encouraging the child to refuse a transfusion and be loyal to jehovah and if the worst did happen and they died they would be assured of a resurrection into their new world paradise.. coupled with all of that is the jw liasion committee that involves themselves in such cases putting added pressure on the young child not to give in his resolve to refuse blood because he would be letting down his god his parents/ family and all of his friends at the kingdom hall who expect him / her to remain faithful.. what a tremendous load of pressure that is to put on a child.loss of family friends and support at such a young age.. no wonder he/she would feel compelled to refuse a blood transfusion with all of this hanging over their head in their vulnerable state and at such a young age.. and then their is the awake magazine that shows all of these children who put god first and died for refusing to take a blood transfusion at the direction of the wtb&ts / jehovah`s witness religion and held up as martyrs for doing so.. if that`s not child abuse at its worst then i don`t know what is.. the jw/wt religion should be taken to court and charged over this abuse of children .. child abuse that leads to the death of a child..
smiddy: I thought that with all of the sexual abuse scandals that are taking place in many parts of the world this one of abuse of no blood by coercion would have generated some response from a few people at least ?
I think that decades and decades of babies dying for the lack of blood have inured people to the enormity of it all.
People are used to it. And they are helpless to stop the senseless deaths. The org has invested so much into creating a familiarity of blood refusal that it is just "standard" behavior now - the courts accept it and the medical establishment accepts it. How do you fight against a system that has allowed this to happen for so long? It is easier to just accept it. Medical autonomy is sacrosanct.
We hear about the odd case that makes its way into the legal system but that is just the tip of the iceberg. The standard response now is "courts will take over and make sure children get blood." Except that is a false premise and many many children and babies get non blood treatment - we don't know how many children die each day for blood refusal but we know that they do because the medical studies are full of JW children being treated with blood alternatives - and of course they don't publish anything abut the ones who die.
If there is one thing that the org has successfully (for the most part) brainwashed people about, and given false information about, it is the dangers of blood transfusions. They are just wrong. And people don't know how to fight against that - most people are medically illiterate.
The WT/org has a blood phobia and they have passed that on to their followers. The org has given them a rare blood disorder.
Why do people avoid this subject? I don't think they know how to talk about it. They don't know where or how to frame it.
the link bellow is sort of ok. i could not find a decent article in english language about this, but russian media is exploding.
2 days ago a teenager killed 19 people and injured dozens and committed suicide.
he was raised in a jw family.
MadIrishman: This is the same people who are going around saying JW elders were found with AK-47's and bombs...
On the pain of being labelled a Russian troll...*sigh*...
Do you have a link for this?
There was a Russian JW who was found with WW 2 souvenirs - two hand grenades and a land mine that were non operational.
I have never heard of bombs and AK-47s.
Are you using hyperbole and I am just not picking up on that?
I am a big fan of accuracy
since most people in this group have been taught how to research and fact check with our jw history and getting out, this is a topic that can be constructive to check out.
i stumbled upon this and spent some time researching it, and it's quite interesting.
it's part of your immune system, gcmaf.
Further to the link that dubstepped posted, this is from Retraction Watch that lists some of the retracted studies related to gcmaf:
ok so just thinking it over here.
in the recent montana lawsuit wt had to show their net worth.
it came in at like 1.6 billion i think.
vidiot: And yet there's "more money going out than coming in"...
Of course there is. They just don't say where it is going. Somewhere nice and safe, I suspect.
A good business plan always has an escape hatch. It is called bankruptcy and most businesses plan the lead up carefully. Especially if they are facing litigation. Once a business is stripped down, they pay less in fines and settlements
Hide da dough, mama...da judge is comin...
how strict were the jehovah’s witnesses you knew about birthday cake?
i knew a girl who saw a few pieces of cake in the break room at her work, and ate a peice, then found out later that it was left over birthday cake.
she felt so guilty and was scared about a bad impression she left on her work mates.
Vidiot: It was about further socially isolating members from non-member friends and family.
Ultimately, the ban on birthdays (or whatever) was never really about that.
It was about spending money on "non-Kingdom" interests. Don't buy birthday presents (or xmas presents). Send that money to the WTS/org
It is always about the money. Always. That is how the org measures their relationship with their god.