DoubtingBrother: Still, I think there are more POMI than PIMO. The cult programming is strong.
I agree. I am surpised at the number of people I have met during the ordinary course of my life that used to be JWs. So many and in so many unexpected circumstances and places.
I have met many, many exJWs who have never deprogrammed. I used to be surprised about it, but now I accept it as the norm. In spite of the internet making exJWs more visible, there are so many who never make it to these discussion boards and who never are able to escape that programming.
My mother held onto the beliefs for decades after she was disfellowshipped and only recently has let some of her programming go. She weaves her own spiritual narrative now but it is loaded with JW thinking patterns and JW doctrinal details. And so too have been several exJWs that I have encountered over the years. Hell, I have spent a lifetime doubling checking my own thinking patterns once I realized the effect cult programming had on my life and how I viewed the world.
I find it interesting how so many people self-identify as PIMO when there is a very wide spectrum on what "mentally out" means. A toenail out? an arm and a leg out? part of the brain out? or the whole brain? It's a really long journey to find "out". I suspect that the majority of PIMO and POMO equate "out" with a simple rejection of the WT/org's authority. Total deprogramming takes a lot of work. And a lot of time too.
I would never have been able to do that - still attend meetings and pretend a belief I didn't hold. I don't have that skill. Good luck to all who do it. Kudos to you