flipper: " Children are given inappropriate information about sex. " You've got that right as well. What sane parent in their right mind wants to have their children hear about oral or anal sex at a WT Study ? Or discuss and hear about " bestiality " ? I mean- it's ridiculous- and criminal in my opinion how much sexual information gets discussed in front of minor JW children . That's one of the reasons- among many - that this JW organization produces INSANE parents and INSANE children.
This is a good example to illustrate how inappropriate the JWs indoctrination of children is: In this video, we view a 3 and a half year old boy reading Esther 7. The chapter where she is raped and the man who raped her gets hung. The boy reads the words (which he cannot in any way comprehend the content of what he is reading), the audience of JWs listen to this infant read out the account of a woman getting raped, and then they clap